15 Foods that Detox Your Body

Best Foods for Detox


I often get asked what I think about a certain “cleanse” or “fast” … usually something people drink for a day or two and they’ll do it once every few months. And I think that’s fine…

But, what matters most is what you do on a DAILY basis.

The above foods help to detox and cleanse the body, but they ALSO help alkalize and reduce inflammation – both being critical factors and causes of aging and health problems.

So, if you want higher energy levels … or you’re trying to lose that belly fat … or want to support healthy cholesterol levels … or healthy blood sugar, make sure you have at least 2-3 of the above foods DAILY and preferably, at least one with EVERY meal.

And the BEST cleanser of all is to drink lots of purified water. In fact, what I do is squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a liter of water and have 2 of those daily (especially first thing in the morning). Very simple and makes the water taste better too!

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