Dr. Oz’s Tips for Increasing Energy

Video Summary:

Dr. Oz makes an important point – stop starting the day with coffee and caffeine products. Caffeine may energize you initially, but because it’s a drug, it’ll wear off and you’ll crash. The more you take it, the faster it’ll wear off and the less it’ll work.

What gives the body energy is oxygen! Deep breathing, stretching, moving, exercise, walking… Save the caffeine for later in the day when (or IF) you really need it. In fact, there are much better and safer alternatives to caffeine products, coffee and “energy” drinks.

Please watch the More Energy Video about the real “secret” for getting energized, looking and feeling younger.

#1 Tip For More Natural Energy:

… imagine if you could turn ON your “energy switch” every day and give your body the #1 element it needs for all-day energy and razor sharp thinking?

Watch this short video about one “simple tip” for increasing your energy levels, naturally!


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