Natural Alternatives To Statin Cholesterol Lowering Drugs For 2024 – Clinically Proven

    It’s 2024 and one of the best-selling and most profitable drugs for over 2 decades are cholesterol-loweringstatin drugs.”

    Technically speaking, they’re the biggest-selling “class” of pharmaceutical compounds of ALL time!

    It made multiple pharmaceutical companies BILLIONS of dollars in profits year after year, decade after decade.

    The first “commercially” available and FDA-approved statin was introduced over 30 years ago (lovastatin 1997) and this was formulated based on a natural substance, that I’ll reveal to you later.

    The most popular ones that you’ve probably heard of are Lipitor (Atorvastatin), Crestor (Rosuvastatin), and Zocor (Simvastatin).

    These drugs work by inhibiting the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme – a key to the biosynthesis of cholesterol within your body.


    Okay… so that’s it for the boring, medical jargon.

    I won’t even talk to you about all the political “junk” and false clinical studies around these drugs. That’s all in the past and you can do your own research about “Statin Side Effects” if you’d like.

    And when you do, you’ll also find that these most popular and best-selling drugs ALSO have the most side-effects out of all the drugs as well. I’ll just report to you some of the ones I believe to be the worst:

    • Muscle pain AND damage.

    Just keep in mind that your body, including your HEART, is functional ONLY because of your muscles. Permanent damage to them done by statins means permanent damage to your health, fitness, and longevity.

    • Liver Damage

    80% of your cholesterol is made within the liver, NOT from the foods you eat. These drugs go inside your liver, prevent the formation of cholesterol, and in the process, DAMAGE your liver. Keep in mind that the weaker you liver, the weaker your body and EVERY organ in your body. It’s your natural filter of toxins.

    • Elevated Blood Sugar and Type 2 Diabetes

    One of the worst things for each and every problem in your body is high blood sugar and insulin levels. It’s the #1 cause of aging. And, these statin drugs accelerate this process. You do the math!

    • Neurological Problems

    Yes, it screws up your mind. Sure, it causes depression, anxiety, panic attacks, worry, etc., etc. But that’s nothing compared to Alzheimer’s, Dementia, memory loss, and other neurological illnesses, right?

    I’m not even going to get into arthritis, elevated blood pressure, and probably the WORST problem of all – hormonal imbalances.


    And I’m familiar with all of these problems because about 25 years ago, my parents were prescribed statin drugs, by BOTH their doctors at separate doctor visits.

    I thought it was odd, but back then, we didn’t know any better.

    To make a long story short, within a few months I noticed all of these negative side-effects and I got them off of these toxic drugs (against their doctor’s advice) and put them on natural alternatives, which is what I’m going to quickly discuss today.

    It took a year to find the best, safest, and most effective combination of natural herbs, extracts, vitamins, and minerals.

    However, the good news is that it’s been 25+ years and they have healthy cholesterol levels and do not take any drugs and are still alive and healthy.


    Unexpected photo of my parents & myself. My dad is 90 and mom is 80 years old in this pic. Fortunately, they take NO medications!

    Natural Alternatives

    So let’s get right to it, I’ll make this quick.

    First, your goal is NOT to have “low” cholesterol. You want to have HEALTHY cholesterol levels.

    Additionally and more importantly, you ALSO want optimal ratios of your HDL (“good” cholesterol/lipoprotein) and LDL (“bad” cholesterol/lipoprotein).

    Remember how I told you the first FDA-approved drug was in 1987 called Lovastatin, based on a NATURAL ingredient?

    Well, that’s from Red Yeast Rice, which is a common food in Asia.

    The natural form of this extract, in small doses, has all the positive “cholesterol-lowering” benefits, but without the negatives of the synthetic drugs.


    However, you MUST get the correct form of Red Yeast Rice, at the proper extract dosage, with the “toxic” by-product, Citrinin removed.

    Other Cholesterol Optimizing Herbs

    Other clinically proven, natural herbal extracts that promote health, cholesterol levels, and balanced lipid levels, are:

    • Artichoke Leaf Extract (15% Chlorogenic Acid, 5% Cynarin)
    • Phytosterols Complex (40% extract from non-GMO pine tree extract)
    • Garlic (Extract 5% alliin)
    • Policosanol (from Sugar Cane – Saccharum species)

    Improve Your Thyroid

    Here’s something interesting: before doctors were handing out statin drugs like candy, the more efficient and effective way of lowering your cholesterol was by optimizing your thyroid hormones.

    Now, instead of taking thyroid drugs, I suggest taking:

    • Guggulsterone (10% Pure Extract; E and Z)
    • Iodine (Kelp Extract)

    Cleanse Your Liver

    As stated earlier, most people don’t know that 80% of your cholesterol is created within your body, by your liver… and NOT from the foods you eat.

    This is why many times, the change in your diet doesn’t make dramatic improvements in cholesterol levels.

    Thus, the stronger your liver, the easier your body will eliminate and detox “excess cholesterol” from your blood.

    The irony is that ALL drugs, especially statins, cause liver damage and thus, will eventually increase your cholesterol levels. And this is why you keep having to increase the dosage of these drugs.

    So make sure you try to eliminate anything that stresses your liver – this includes all drugs, including alcohol and caffeine. But, since this is almost impossible for most people, I suggest you take:

    • Milk Thistle (80% Extract)
    • NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) – which also boosts your immune system.
    • R+ Alpha Lipoic Acid (r+ ALA) – which also helps lower your blood sugar.

    Reduce Homocysteine Levels

    All doctors are so focused on improving cholesterol to help you avoid heart disease, a heart attack or stroke — that they forget (or don’t KNOW!) about something super important and that’s your Homocysteine Levels.

    In fact, researchers now believe that testing homocysteine levels are over 47% more accurate at predicting heart disease than checking cholesterol.

    The cool part is that you can easily and quickly improve Homocysteine levels by simply taking a specific ratio of certain B-Vitamins:

    • Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCL)
    • Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)
    • Folate (as 5-Methyl-tetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF))
    • Vitamin B5 [Pantesin® d-Pantethine (special form of B5)]

    Reduce Inflammation

    Finally, one of the leading causes of many illnesses and diseases is inflammation. And there are a few ingredients that’ll help reduce it. Three of my favorites are:

    • Turmeric (95% curcuminoids Extract)
    • Ginger (10% extract)
    • Mixed Vit. E – Tocotrienols (90% Delta &10% Gamma Tocotrienols)

    Putting It All Together

    Of course, taking all of these natural ingredients is a great idea but obviously time-consuming, inconvenient, and very expensive.

    This is the exact problem I faced with my own parents 25+ years ago when I got them off of statin drugs.

    Because of this, we started using an “all-in-one” natural solution that contains all of these ingredients in the correct dosage and form.

    And the best part is that it’ll cost you about $1 day – something very affordable, with numerous heart-healthy benefits.

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