Masturbation KILLS Testosterone – Clinical Studies For 2024

    Today it’s 2024 and I’m going to talk about masturbation and whether it’s good or bad for your testosterone levels and sex drive.

    Thus, is “NoFap” abstience better? Or should you just go ahead and masturbate as much as you want?

    I’ll discuss UCLA research regarding suicidal thoughts and masturbation.

    Also, I’ll talk about prostate health and how abstinence affects it.

    And I’ll cover sperm quality & ejaculatory volume – does abstinence improve it or make no difference?

    Finally, I’ll reveal one of the easiest and fastest ways to increase testosterone levels, sex drive, and improve prostate, sperm quality, and ejaculatory volume… naturally – not having anything to do with your masturbation or abstinence.

    Masturbation & Abstinence

    Now, I bring this topic up because I get lots of private messages from guys about masturbation…

    They ask me everything about it:

    • Is masturbation good
    • Is it bad
    • Do I do it too much
    • My penis is shrinking
    • My sex drive is gone
    • Prostate health
    • Should I stop and “NoFap”

    Now, I’ve done a bunch of videos about the topic of masturbation, including multiple QA videos.


    However, there’s one question that keeps getting asked and that’s about the myth that not masturbating or abstinence, will increase testosterone levels.

    Thousands of guys are holding back, including even sex with women – thinking their testosterone levels will shoot up, by not shooting out.

    I guess in “theory”, this might be true since you feel hornier when you hold back.

    Some guys are also not ejaculating for weeks or even months for betterr fertility and ejaculatory volume.

    Well, let’s get to some clinical studies

    Opposite Is True

    Simply stated, there’s basically no real research showing that abstinence – thus, not having sex or masturbating – will increase testosterone levels.

    In fact, the opposite is true.

    Watching porn or engaging in sexual activities… and thus, anything that turns you on, can raise testosterone levels.

    masturbation testosterone

    Additionally, there are studies showing that in older men and women, the more often you masturbate, the higher your testosterone levels.

    Also, there are studies with men who have erectile dysfunction showing that low sexual activity is associated with low testosterone while resuming sexual activities restores testosterone levels.

    Questionable Clinical Studies

    The NoFap community will cite the occasional study that shows higher levels of testosterone when you don’t masturbate.

    Unfortunately, the sample size is either really small… or the increase in testosterone is tiny … or the study couldn’t be replicated.

    Some will report better mental health with abstinence.

    However, on the flip side, many people will report better stress levels, happiness, and so forth with masturbation.

    As I’ve stated in previous videos, if you want a natural and proven way to boost your testosterone levels, increase your sex drive, and get harder erections – then give your body the specific nutrients it needs to have your testicles produce more testosterone.

    There are specific herbs and minerals that have clinical research showing all of this can be done.

    Abstinence & Sperm Quality

    What about sperm quality from abstinence?

    Well, a review of almost 30 studies concluded that abstinence and fertility outcomes are inconclusive.

    A study did show an improvement in fertility from abstinence, but it plateaus after 3 days. So, don’t ejaculate for 3 days for a potentially better fertility outcome.

    Now, there are studies showing that specific herbs such as Fadogia, Tribulus and a few others help increase fertility and sperm quality because they increase LH and FSH levels.

    These and similar ingredients are found in AlphaViril – the testosterone booster supplement I’ve been using since 1999.

    Masturbation & Ejaculatory Volume

    And how about ejaculatory volume?

    Yes, there’s an increase in volume with abstinence.

    Studies show that every day you wait, you can increase volume by about 10%. However, this maxes out in a week.

    testicle size and sperm production

    Now, please keep in mind that this extra ejaculatory volume does NOT also mean 10% more sperm every day.

    So, if you want to impress someone with more volume… In porn it’s called a “money shot”… I suggest you masturbate, but do NOT orgasm.

    Does this every day, for about 2-3 days.

    This creates an even bigger buildup in volume.

    However, you’ll also cum a lot faster too because you’ve been holding back.

    So, keep that in mind too…

    Masturbation & Prostate Health

    One last important topic and that has to do with your prostate.

    Having orgasms is good for the prostate.

    One reason the prostate grows as men get older is due to a lack of orgasms because guys aren’t as horny or can’t get erect and thus, not having sex or masturbating as often.

    enlarged prostate

    However, taking certain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D, zinc, copper, selenium and others all help promote prostate health.

    Again, these are others are also found in AlphaViril.

    NoFap, Abstinence & Suicide

    Personally, I think abstinence and not masturbating is not natural, at least for me. We’ve been doing it since puberty.

    There’s an interesting UCLA research showing that the men who were NoFaping and hence, were celibate… When they decided to stop being abstinent, about 30% of them had suicidal thoughts.

    They felt anxiety, shame, and even depression… Especially when they participated in the NoFap online communities.

    Obviously, masturbation can affect the physical and mental health of men. Being in such groups, and the peer pressure of the need to conform or belong to a group can make things much worse emotionally.


    So, let’s quickly summarize what we’ve learned today.

    Abstinence, not masturbating, not having orgasms, NoFap, and so forth don’t help increase testosterone levels.

    For some men, abstinence can improve their mood, maybe give them more energy, better focus on life, and so forth – all of which are important.

    However, when it comes to increasing testosterone, there are much better ways.

    In fact, in numerous studies, abstinence and not masturbating causes a decrease in testosterone levels.

    One of the easiest and fastest ways to boost your testosterone levels AND promote a youthful balance in your hormones is to take specific herbs, vitamins and minerals – such as those found in AlphaViril.

    Remember, the goal isn’t ONLY to increase your testosterone levels. It’s also free of testosterone. While balancing estrogen and DHT with your testosterone levels.

    As for sperm quality – again, no improvement with abstinence.

    Now, the ejaculatory volume does increase with abstinence, but only waiting up to 3 days. After that, no further improvements.

    Prostate health goes down with abstinence. So, make sure you try to ejaculate at least 1-2x a week for better prostate health.

    Now, it’s up to you whether you want to be abstinent, celibate, and practicing NoFap.

    It’s your life and your body.

    However, when it comes to increasing testosterone levels long term, it doesn’t work. Please don’t fall for the false studies and myths.

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