Measuring Your Blood Pressure – 10 DEADLY Mistakes In 2024

    Now in 2024, most people have high blood pressure and don’t even know it.

    That’s why high blood pressure is called the “silent killer”.

    Even when I consult athletes, a lot of them have high blood pressure even though they are very healthy.

    High blood pressure can cause a heart attack or stroke.

    It makes you tired.

    High blood pressure is very bad for your kidneys.

    Unfortunately, as we age, our blood pressure will increase.

    So, I suggest everyone take their blood pressure at home so you can make sure how healthy you are and if you need to make adjustments in your life style to help lower blood pressure.

    The good news is that you can use an automated cuff at home, so it’s easy and convenient.

    However, the one major problem is that most people make many mistakes when taking their blood pressure. This happens even at the doctor’s office

    And yes, I made some of these mistakes myself.

    So, let me quickly go over them so you can get the most accurate blood pressure readings.

    1- Wrong Arm

    You always want to put the cuff on your left arm. I’ve had nurses do it on my right arm and that’s incorrect.

    2 – Over Clothing

    The first thing you do NOT want to do is put the cuff over any clothing. It makes logical sense, yet many people do it since they might be in a hurry.

    So, make sure it’s against your skin.

    3 – Wrong Position

    Make sure the tube is in the middle of your arm.

    The bottom of the cuff should be about half an inch to an inch above the fold of your arm. You can use an index finger as a measuring tool.

    4 – Too Tight

    If you wrap the cuff too loosely or too tight, you’ll get incorrect measurements.

    You should be able to stick one finger in between your arm and the cuff, with a slight wiggle.

    If you can’t stick one finger in, it’s too tight. More than 2 fingers, it’s too loose.

    5 – Arm Position

    Most people will measure with their arm down. This has happened to me at the doctor’s office.

    You want your arm at the level of your heart. So, it should be raised a little bit, so your bicep is horizontal with your heart.

    You might want to put your arm on a table to keep it elevated.

    blood pressure measuring

    6 – Leg Position

    Most people don’t realize that your leg position also affects your blood pressure readings.

    You do not want to cross your legs or elevate them. Both feet need to be planted on the floor in a relaxed position.

    7 – Not Resting

    This is a mistake I’ve made in the past. I’d be walking around the house or whatever. I’d sit down and immediately take my blood pressure.

    Blood pressure readings need to be at rest.

    So, don’t do it after moving around or running. Make sure you’re not stressed out. You didn’t just eat a big meal. You’re not talking.

    You should be sitting for at least 5-10 minutes, at rest, before taking your blood pressure.

    This is also why your blood pressure can be artificially higher at the doctor’s office. Because of stress, or moving too much, and so forth.

    This is called “white coat syndrome” and it’s happened to me a few times.

    8 – Full Bladder

    If you have to urinate and you’re holding in your pee, your blood pressure will be artificially elevated because it’s under stress.

    So, make sure you’ve emptied your bladder before taking your blood pressure.

    9 – Stress & Stimulants

    Keep in mind that anything that’s going to stress your body will increase your blood pressure.

    For example – if you just got in an argument with someone, or you didn’t sleep well the night before – your cortisol and adrenaline are high and that’ll increase your blood pressure.

    Also, if you’re taking stimulants – such as ADHD drugs or caffeine, you’ll have higher blood pressure levels.

    Of course, if you’re always drinking coffee and take a lot of caffeine every day, then that is most likely your accurate blood pressure.

    Which brings up the last point.

    10 – One Time Blood Pressure Reading

    After all is said and done, you do NOT want to judge your blood pressure reading or your health based on a ONE-time reading.

    What you want is an average of your blood pressure readings at different times of the day.

    Best Way To Measure Blood Pressure

    If you go to the doctor, they made a few of these mistakes that I’ve mentioned today and your blood pressure is high, they may prescribe you medication. You probably don’t need it.

    Do all the things I mentioned. Rest for 10 minutes and do a test. Record it.

    Then wait another 10 minutes, and do another test. Record it.

    Do that in the morning and again in the evening.

    Do this over the course of a few days.

    If you see large fluctuations, then you’ll need to make improvements in your life and support healthy blood pressure naturally.

    What you care about are averages.

    Best Blood Pressure Machines

    In regards to the blood pressure machine, get the one where the cuff goes around your arm and NOT the wrist monitors

    The wrist monitor ones are NOT accurate. In fact, that’s the one I first got and the numbers were always off. They were actually very low.

    I thought I was super healthy. My numbers were like 110/70 or sometimes lower.

    blood pressure monitor

    I then tested it with the arm cuff and the results were higher, but still in the normal range. Such as 120/80

    Now, if you can’t do the arm one for whatever reason, then the wrist one is better than nothing. But, increase the numbers to be more accurate.

    Also, even with the automated arm cuffs, I’ve noticed the top Systolic number is usually higher than if you were to do it manually with a stethoscope. I say about 10 points higher on average for the top systolic number

    So, 130/80 on the automated cuff, is probably 120/80 if you measured it manually.

    Of course, you’ll need someone else to do the manual method, which most people don’t do these days.

    Research has shown that 120/80 is good, but lower numbers such as 110/70 might be better.

    Support Healthy Blood Pressure Naturally

    Again, please visit the links on the best and easiest ways to support healthy blood pressure, naturally.

    Even if you don’t want to change your lifestyle, you can take specific herbs and vitamins that’ll quickly and conveniently promote healthy blood pressure levels within a normal range.

    This is what I do for my parents, especially as they’ve aged.

    Remember, aging alone will cause an increase in your blood pressure – so, it may not be your fault even with a healthy lifestyle

    However, it is your responsibility to support it naturally.

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