How Poor Blood Flow Causes Erectile Dysfunction & How To Quickly Fix It

    I’ve spoken many times in the past about the importance of having healthy blood flow for health, fitness, and longevity. How healthy blood circulation can help you avoid heart problems… and you’ll ALSO look and feel younger.

    However, today, in 2024,  I want to discuss how poor blood flow can also be a major cause of erectile dysfunction. I’ll also reveal 3 clinically proven ways to quickly fix this problem.

    Erectile Dysfunction

    So if you have any degree of erectile dysfunction, you should read this article. However, if you’re also not achieving rock-solid erections every time you’re going to have sex… like used to when you were younger…

    Then you should also read this article because “weak” erections are an indicator that your health is not optimal…. Both with respect to hormonal imbalances, as well as decreased blood flow and circulation.

    In fact, Rush University Medical Center1 states that bad circulation is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction, second to hormonal imbalance.

    What’s interesting is that the newest research shows that men with erectile dysfunction (ED), typically also have heart problems.2 Thus, ED is a pre-warning sign that you may have heart failure in the future because you have a buildup of plaque and calcium in your blood vessels.2

    3 Clinically Proven Ways To Increase Blood Flow & Improve Your Erections

    1 — Diet

    Diet can play a big role in improving your heart health and reducing your risk for a buildup of plaque. It’s never too late to eat a healthier diet. Just as years of bad eating can damage your body, good eating can help heal it and it can happen quickly.

    • Add more “healthy” fats to your diet. These are typically mono and polyunsaturated fats. They’re found in foods like olives, raw seeds and nuts, avocados, and fish. These should be RAW and uncooked.
    • Eliminate “unhealthy” and artificial sources of trans fats. Most artificial trans fats are found in processed, packaged foods like cookies and snack cakes. These have been heated and are hydrogenated. They are also high in omega-6 fats, which cause inflammation.
    • Increase your fiber intake. Soluble fiber helps prevent and remove plaque buildup. You can find soluble fiber in foods like vegetables, lentils, beans, and oats. I would also add fiber supplements as well, especially if you have a hard time getting it all from food.
    • Cut back on sugar. The sugar found in processed foods like cookies, ice cream, and sugar-sweetened beverages has no nutritional value. Unfortunately, sugar is hidden in almost all “man-made” foods. They increase your blood sugar levels… Which when combined with unhealthy fats, clogs your arteries.
    2 — Exercise

    First, we all need to move more. All we tend to do is sit all day long — computer, phone, driving, eating, work, etc.

    The reason exercise is important is that it helps improve your youth hormones, which then helps your body naturally get rid of toxins – this includes plaque.

    And in my opinion, “resistance exercise” is more important than cardiovascular. This means lifting weights – which can be with free weights, machines, cables or simply your own body weight.

    And if you work out quickly, it will also give you a very strong cardiovascular workout at the same time.

    You only need 3x weekly and I would add in daily walking as well.

    3 — Take Specific Supplements

    Taking specific herbs, vitamins, and minerals that can help support healthy blood flow and circulation will give you the biggest and fastest improvements in preventing AND removing plaque buildup.

    And you can get more information about which ones are the best, by clicking the special link below this article. Of course, supplements do NOT take the place of a healthy lifestyle.

    However, when combined together, it’s like being on “steroids”. You’ll get much faster and more dramatic results, with LESS effort.

    And for many people, like my own parents, it made the biggest difference in REMOVING the plaque buildup — more so than preventing it.


    If you want to finally fix your ED problems and dramatically improve your sex drive, make sure you improve your hormones, and don’t forget to ALSO support healthy blood flow.

    Your heart, mind, AND penis will thank you!

    So make sure you eat better, exercise, and take specific supplements.

    Make small improvements daily and within a few weeks and months, you’ll see and feel dramatic improvements.

    • Schwartz BG, et al. Cardiovascular implications of erectile dysfunction. Circulation. 2011;123:e609.
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