🥤3 Juices For Healthy Blood Pressure (2024)

    As I’ve stated before, nature already has most of the solutions to health problems, NOT pharmaceutical companies.

    And if you want healthy blood pressure, there are 3 juices that can help.

    And that’s what you’ll discover today.

    Pomegranate Juice

    I really like pomegranates, they taste great and have a lot of benefits due to their antioxidants.

    I personally like the whole fruit, but it is messy to eat since you have to pick apart each of the little individual pomegranate seeds. So, you better not be wearing anything white, because the stuff does stain.

    Pomegranate healthy blood pressure

    However, if you’d like to bypass it all, having 1 cup of pomegranate juice daily for 28 days (4 weeks) can support healthy blood pressure. A study reveals “a significant fall in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as mean arterial pressure.”1

    And if you don’t want to deal with the sugar and calories, you can just take Pomegranate Extract (5:1 ratio) in a natural, supplement form.

    Watermelon Juice

    Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline (similar to arginine), which helps the body to produce nitric oxide, a gas that relaxes blood vessels and encourages flexibility in arteries. These effects aid the flow of blood, which can support healthy blood pressure.2


    An increase in nitric oxide can also help improve erection strength, the short term.

    You’ll need about 2 cups of watermelons or 1 cup of the juice, 2-3x daily, to get these positive effects.

    Beet Juice

    Drinking 1 cup of beet juice daily for 28 days (4 weeks) can help support healthy blood pressure in the short and long term.3 Researchers believe that the beet’s high levels of inorganic nitrates cause the reduction of blood pressure.


    One thing I’d like to pre-warn you about — don’t be alarmed if your urine is pinkish or light red in color – beets will do that.

    Hawthorn Berry Juice

    I have a “bonus” fruit juice that also helps support healthy blood pressure and that’s Hawthorn Berries. I call this a “bonus” juice because finding actual Hawthorn berries is a bit of a challenge.


    However, the actual juice is really difficult to find, which is unfortunate because it’s really powerful at supporting healthy blood pressure.

    This is because Hawthorn Berries contain antioxidant flavonoids, such as vitexin, which are used to:

    • support healthy blood pressure
    • relieve angina (chest pain caused by reduced blood flow)
    • improve heart pump efficiency
    • reduce abnormal heart rhythms
    • reduce stress-related blood pressure problems

    Hawthorn is believed to support healthy blood pressure by relaxing peripheral blood vessels and dilating arteries in the same way as ACE inhibitor antihypertensive drugs – by blocking the action of ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme).

    Hawthorn may also increase levels of nitric oxide (a powerful blood vessel dilator). And it also has a mild diuretic action, which decreases fluid retention and helps support healthy blood pressure.

    Its antioxidant action may also reduce the hardening of the arteries.

    As you can see, it has lots of heart-healthy benefits, in addition to supporting healthy blood pressure levels.

    Unfortunately, the main problem is that it’s really difficult to get Hawthorn berries. However, using Hawthorn berry extract in a supplement form is just as effective, much easier, and cheaper to use.

    Plus, it has no sugar or calories.

    NO Sugar & NO Calorie Option

    NOTE: I would like to conclude by saying that I’m not a fan of drinking fruit juice. Even if it is natural, that’s not how it’s found in nature. It has too many calories and sugars. Whole fruit is much better than drinking only juice.

    Unfortunately, you’ll have to eat a lot more fruit, to get the same benefits in concentrated fruit juice.

    However, you can take natural supplement extracts of different fruits and vegetables, which all can support healthy blood pressure.

    It’s a lot easy, more convenient, and cheaper. Plus, no sugar or calories.

    In the following link, you can see a list of the most effective natural vitamins, minerals, herbal, and fruit extracts.

    So please take a look right now, below, while it’s fresh on your mind.

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22648092
    2. https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2012/Q4/watermelon-shown-to-boost-heart-health,-control-weight-gain-in-mice.html
    3. http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/65/2/320
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