Is Basmati Rice Good for Diabetics

    With the rise of type 2 diabetes, there are many people looking for alternative foods that can help combat the effects of this disease. By eating the right food, people can help control the complications that result from diabetes and even lose weight to help reverse the threat to their health. Carbohydrates have been noted as the key nutrient in terms of controlling blood sugar levels. This is because when digested carbohydrates turn into glucose or sugar and enters the blood stream. By controlling the amount the is consumed, carbohydrates can effectively be used to keep blood sugar levels from spiking.

    One of the most interesting foods that have been cited as one that helps control the effects of diabetes is basmati rice. It is a food that is a good source of carbohydrates, but also contains a low amount of calories, a solid amount of proteins and fiber as well. However, is basmati rice the answer when it comes to the type of foods that those suffering from type 2 diabetes should consume?

    The Advantages of Basmati Rice

    There are a number of reasons why you should choose this type of rice to be part of your meals. One of the most important reasons is because of the type of carbohydrate that basmati rice is and how it affects your blood sugar levels. There are two types of carbohydrates, those that hit high on the glycemic index (GI) and those that have a low to moderate effect. The foods that have a high GI number are to be avoided while low to moderate GI amounts are acceptable.

    Basmati rice is a food that ranges from the low to moderate levels in terms of GI. That means it can be consumed during meals as long as other foods that have a higher GI count are left out so that the effect is not magnified. So, for example when you are eating steak you can have a serving of basmati rice instead of bread and potatoes. This means that this rice makes for a nice alternative when you are consuming meals on a daily basis.

    The Proper Serving of Basmati Rice

    It is important to keep the size of the servings reasonable and be sure to mix it with other foods so that you do not grow tired of eating the same thing on a daily basis. Basmati rice is perfect when it is accompanied by lots of lean meats filled with protein and non-starchy vegetables as well.

    While arguably not for everyday meals, this type of rice is perfect for occasions when you want another type of side dish. Especially for one that does not add too many carbohydrates that will kick up your blood sugar levels. In addition, this type of rice can be served alone as a simple snack food when combined with non-starchy vegetables. When served in the proper amount, basmati rice makes for an excellent side dish as it provides the right type of carbohydrates to help control your blood sugar levels.

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