🍽️Okra – 5 Best & Surprising Reasons To Eat It In 2024

    Growing up, my mom would put Okra in a lot of the foods and stews she made. The truth is, I never liked the taste. But, she would say, “it’s good for you, eat it”.

    Of course, that’s what moms always say.

    When I asked her “Why is it good for me?” … she wouldn’t give any specific answers other than “It’s a vegetable, they’re all good for you”.

    Unfortunately, that didn’t tell me anything and it didn’t sell me on the idea of eating Okra.

    However, today it’s 2024 and I AM going to give you the 5 best and most surprising benefits of Okra that I wish my mom had told me.

    Okra Is Great For Blood Sugar

    One of the biggest benefits of Okra is how beneficial it is for blood sugar1.

    And as you may know from previous articles I’ve done, I think supporting healthy blood sugar levels is a major key to total health, fitness, and longevity.


    Having healthy blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity will help you avoid so many health problems. Healthy blood sugar will help you gain muscle, lose fat, increase your energy levels, and improve mental health. Plus it will help support healthy cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and on and on.

    And if you’re interested in having healthy blood sugar, visit this special link.

    Potential Lectin & Gluten Blocker & Anti-Inflammatory

    If you’ve read my articles in the past, you may remember that for well over a decade now, I’ve avoided foods that have lectins and cause inflammation.

    If you have gluten issues, you most likely don’t do well with Lectins as well. In fact, gluten is a form of Lectin.

    The good news is that Okra is rich in raw polysaccharides, a potent compound that has been shown to bind to lectins, effectively blocking their ability to cause harm and inflammation.2,3

    So, for anyone who has joint pain, this is a major benefit as well.

    High In Fiber & Good For Digestion

    Most people do NOT get enough fiber. This is unfortunate because fiber helps with blood sugar, and cholesterol, improves digestion, helps you feel fuller, is great for weight loss, and of course, essential in helping you avoid getting colon cancer.


    Well, Okra is high in fiber and low in calories – so, that’s a double benefit!

    Good For Gut Health & Immune System

    Additionally, the type of fiber in Okra and the “slimy” aspect of it, helps improve your gut bacteria and boost your immune system. And if you have ulcers, Okra’s “slimy” benefits help coat the digestive tract and thus, help heal peptic ulcers.

    Nothing Negative About Okra

    There are lots of other benefits, but I’ve covered the most important ones, which are also backed by science as well as empirical evidence. You know, the kind my mom already knew, but couldn’t express to me.


    However, one additional benefit I want to mention about Okra is that there’s nothing negative about it. Some vegetables cause stomach problems or may cause other issues – but Okra is just full of benefits and nothing bad.

    So, try to include some okra in your daily diet. You can’t go wrong.

    1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26706676
    2. Cederberg BM, Gray GR. N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine binding lectins. A model system for the study of binding specificity. Anal Biochem. Oct 15, 1979; 99 (1): 221-30. DOI:10.1016/0003-2697(79)90067-8.
    3. Freed DLJ. Do dietary lectins cause disease? BMJ. Apr 17, 1999; 318 (7190): 1023-4. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.318.7190.1023.
    4. http://www.jnutbio.com/article/S0955-2863(14)00051-5/abstract
    5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4632455/
    6. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4221879/
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