❗Blood Sugar Problems KILL Testosterone – New Study For 2024

    YES! - I Want Healthy Blood Sugar

    In my past articles, I’ve mentioned lots of different ways for you to improve your testosterone levels. However, today it’s 2024 and I want to focus on something that I haven’t spent as much time on… and that’s your blood sugar levels.

    This is important for anyone concerned about their hormone levels, gaining muscle, losing fat, and also wanting to avoid or fix erectile problems.

    Simply stated, bad blood sugar levels can immediately kill your testosterone levels by 25% or more. Plus, this massive drop in testosterone, can last as long as 4-5 hours before things go back to normal.

    Now, if you’re eating multiple meals daily, with the wrong TYPE and QUANTITY for foods… and thus, bad blood sugar levels with each meal — then your testosterone levels will not only drop by 25% or more, but they’ll STAY LOWER most of the day.


    You obviously don’t want this and in a minute I’ll give you 3 simple ways to fix this, naturally and you can get started immediately today.

    However, there are also indirect ways blood sugar problems can further decrease your testosterone.

    First of all, blood sugar problems and the increase in insulin levels will also lead to fat storage – especially belly fat.

    The more body fat you have, the more estrogen your body will produce – for both men and women. And when estrogen goes up, testosterone comes down!

    So, now that’s TWO ways your testosterone has dropped because of higher blood sugar levels.

    Over time, you’ll also become more “insulin resistant” with the consistently elevated blood sugar levels. This means your body will produce even MORE insulin and thus, leading to even higher body fat, which means what?…


    YES, even lower testosterone levels all day long.

    And if all of this wasn’t bad enough, you’ll start to lose muscle in the process – even if you’re still working out.

    One last thing just to ruin your day even more —  blood sugar problems and bad insulin levels also cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels over time, decrease blood flow, and cause what every man fears – erectile dysfunction and impotence.

    In fact, this is one of the biggest complaints from diabetic men – they can’t get or maintain erections.

    3 Simple Ways To Have Healthy Blood Sugar & Increase Testosterone

    So that’s the bad news. Now let’s get to the good news.

    You do NOT need to go super low carbs.

    Nor do you need to go on a ketogenic diet, which has its own set of problems, including lower testosterone and thyroid levels over time.

    Here are 3 very simple things you can do daily, that will naturally keep your blood sugar levels in a healthy range and thus, NOT drop your testosterone levels.

    Don’t Drink Your Calories

    First off, do NOT drink your calories. This means no soda, juices, green drinks, energy drinks, or alcohol. Read the labels.

    Drinks blood sugar

    These are filled with simple sugars and carbs. They digest quickly and thus, spike up your blood sugar and insulin levels immediately.

    Drink only water, tea, and coffee, without anything added. Again, read the labels and look for the carbs and sugar content.


    You also need to move more and exercise daily. Your muscles use glucose and thus, energy. The more muscle you have, the better your insulin sensitivity and thus, less blood sugar spikes even with big carb meals.

    So make sure you lift weights, 3-4x weekly. Even if it’s just your body weight – like squats, pull-ups, and push-ups.


    However, there’s one thing everyone can do at any age, any time of the day, anywhere, and that’s walking.

    Simply walking 10-15 minutes before or after a meal, dramatically drops your blood sugar levels, lowers the stress hormone cortisol, and thus, keeps your testosterone up.

    In fact, these mini-walks are more effective than a long 30-minute walk. Plus, it’s not as boring. Listen to something positive make a phone call or just enjoy nature.


    Lastly, if you want something that’s even easier to do, simply take a few key supplements that will support healthy blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, AND improve your A1C levels — all at the same time.


    Herbs such as Berberine, Cinnamon Extract, Bitter Melon Extract, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl, Chromium, and a few others, actually work BETTER than many prescription drugs, without any side effects and are good for your health and longevity.

    I’ve listed a couple of important links. One listing the best, clinically proven ingredients you can use.

    Another link leads to a formula that I use myself daily you can copy the same formula for yourself, and you’ll support healthy blood sugar levels the same day while improving your testosterone and overall health, fitness, and longevity.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide