How Blood Sugar Can Cause Wrinkles & Accelerate Aging (2024)

    Of course, most people know that sugar in any form isn’t really good for you. This includes regular sugar and natural “cane” sugars, as well as syrups and high-fructose corn syrups, which is found in so many products.

    Sadly, Americans on average, consume almost 70 lbs of sugar each year. That’s about 7 tablespoons DAILY!

    high sugar leads to obesity

    And you may know that all of this extra sugar leads to obesity, in addition to other health problems such as blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, pain, fatigue, and so forth.

    In fact, it’s damaging to all of your organs, and your brain.

    However, most people don’t realize that blood sugar problems and bad insulin levels accelerate the aging process and cause wrinkles.

    sugar causes wrinkles aging

    Wrinkles, deep lines, and sagging skin are a partial byproduct of the process known as glycation, in which excess sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen fibers and ultimately cause them to lose their strength and flexibility.

    We call these bondings AGEs or advanced glycosylation end products.

    The result?… Your skin becomes less elastic and more vulnerable to sun damage, fine lines, and sagging.

    It’s NOT Just Sugar That’s The Problem


    Sugar and primarily, other high-glycemic carbohydrates such as bread, starches, potatoes, baked goods, pasta, desserts, and soda, are rapidly converted to glucose in your bloodstream. Your body then secretes extra insulin to help lower the blood sugar and things just keep getting worse and worse.

    Over time, your body becomes less sensitive to insulin and thus, your pancreas has to secrete, even more, just to lower your blood sugar levels back down.

    mature women and high blood sugar

    The bottom line is that the higher your blood sugar and insulin levels, the more wrinkles you’ll have over time — in addition to all the other health ailments I mentioned.

    balding man due to high blood sugar

    As a side note, all of this damage to your skin is also negatively affecting your scalp and thus, causes hair loss and thinning.

    Best Supplements For Healthy Blood Sugar

    One supplement that helps support healthy blood sugar and more specifically, decreases glycation which causes wrinkles, is Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). You can take it topically, but it’s far more effective and less expensive when taken orally as a supplement.

    Additional ingredients that are good for BOTH blood sugar and wrinkles are Vitamin E, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Selenium, Chromium, and Trans-Resveratrol.

    Now, this is such an important topic – not just for your overall health, but just for vanity reasons.

    I have another article you can read, entitled “10 To Support Healthy Ways To Lower Blood Sugar”.

    Additionally, if you just want faster results with less effort, you can try a natural formula that already contains all ingredients I just mentioned, plus about 8 other clinically researched ones that will help support healthy blood sugar naturally, while reducing your wrinkles.

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