WARNING – High Blood Sugar Linked To Alzheimer’s In 2024

    YES! - I Want Healthy Blood Sugar

    It’s 2024 and more than ever, the newest research has clearly shown that chronically high blood sugar levels are linked to accelerated aging and numerous health problems for your body and brain!

    Not to mention, high blood sugar can cause:

    • weight gain
    • low energy
    • moodiness
    • wrinkles & hair loss
    • unhealthy levels of blood pressure & cholesterol
    • and poor memory (more below)

    high blood sugar

    However, the newest scientific research shows that chronically high blood sugar is also linked to Alzheimer’s & poor memory.

    In fact, Alzheimer’s is now considered a form of type 3 diabetes!

    Type 1, 2 and 3 Diabetes

    type 3 diabetes

    As a reminder, Type 1 Diabetes is purely genetics. It typically happens in children and young adults. They need to inject insulin for the rest of their lives.

    Type 2 Diabetes is more of an environmental cause, coupled with genetics.

    Too many years of high blood sugar and insulin levels, wear out the insulin receptors and pancreas. So eventually you may become type 2 diabetic.

    Then you’ll need to watch your diet, exercise and take medication in the form of pills and/or injections maybe for the rest of your life!

    type 3 diabetes memory loss

    And now there’s type 3 Diabetes, which is linked to Alzheimer’s and cognitive/brain aging.

    Similar to type 2, your body is LESS sensitive to insulin.

    However, instead of affecting the muscle cells, type 3 focuses more on your brain cells.

    Your Brain Cells Require a Lot of Energy to Function

    Your brain is an energy hog. Although it’s just 2 percent of your body’s weight, it demands 20% of the oxygen and calories you take in.

    When your brain’s cells resist insulin, they don’t take in the glucose they need to burn for fuel.

    As a result, they’re “hungry.” Therefore, they slowly starve to death…. And their ability to function goes with them.

    That gives you:

    • Brain fog
    • “Senior” moments of forgetfulness
    • Mental fatigue
    • Difficulty in learning new things
    • Problems in concentrating
    • … and of course, memory problems.

    Over time, for reasons nobody understands yet, beta-amyloid plaques replace the brain’s cells.

    That’s Alzheimer’s!

    With beta-amyloid plaques substituting for functioning brain cells, people get all the sad and unpleasant symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

    • The permanent loss of precious memories.
    • The changes in personality.
    • The irrational behavior.

    And all of this starts to explain why Type 2 diabetics are twice as likely as non-diabetics to get Alzheimer’s!

    In fact, you can have both kinds of diabetes — millions of Americans do, including my grandmother.

    The Good News

    For decades, because science hadn’t found the cause of it, the mainstream media has portrayed Alzheimer’s as a “mysterious, incurable disease” you either got or you didn’t.

    Or maybe it came from “bad genes” and thus, you couldn’t treat it. Once you got it, you went downhill until the end.

    However, the good news is that because it’s a variation of diabetes, you can potentially reduce your risk of getting it…. Just as you can reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

    In fact, millions of people have improved and even reversed their type 2 diabetes with an improved lifestyle and thus, similar positive effects may be had with type 3 diabetes.

    The Solution – 3 Simple Changes

    Whether your goal is to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s or any form of diabetes…. Or you want to simply slow the aging process – both physically and mentally …

    You’ll need to control your blood sugar and insulin levels.

    There isn’t enough room for me to explain the process here….

    However, here are 3 simple changes you can make today, that’ll cause improvements and help promote healthy blood sugar levels within a normal range:

    [1] DIET

    Improve your diet by eating fewer sugars, processed carbohydrates and grains.

    Have more vegetables, healthy fats and proteins.

    Reduce liquids that have calories (juices, soda, etc.). Stick to water, tea and coffee.

    [2] EXERCISE

    The more muscle you have and the lower your body fat, the better your insulin sensitivity is.

    Lifting weights (cables, dumbbells, machines, bodyweight exercises, etc.) 3x weekly, coupled with daily walks or at least 3x weekly — will make a huge improvement in promoting healthy blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity.


    Believe it or not, there are a few clinically researched herbs, vitamins and minerals that scientific research has shown to help support healthy blood sugar levels within a normal range and insulin sensitivity.

    Combined with a healthy lifestyle, you can see better and faster results.

    COMBINATION = Faster & Easier Results

    Diet, exercise, stress management and select supplements healthy blood sugar – when utilized together, in my opinion, are by far the best and most effective solutions for

    • healthy blood sugar levels within a normal range
    • reducing your risks for health problems associated with high blood sugar & insulin levels
    • helping you live a healthy and hopefully longer life – physically, emotionally & mentally.

    However, none of this matters if you don’t take action. Just make small daily adjustments.

    • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2769828
    • http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/diabetes/could-alzheimer-disease-be-diabetes-type-3
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