This Fruit Lowers Cholesterol Levels by 16% In Only 7 Days (2024 update)

    "YES - I Want Healthy Cholesterol Levels"

    It’s 2024 and today I’m going to reveal the most powerful fruit, clinically proven to promote healthy cholesterol in only 7 days.2

    Now if you’ve been reading my articles, you’d know that I’m not a big fan of fruit because of the sugar content.

    This is because the fructose sugar in fruits can actually increase your blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol levels, while also increasing your risk for blood sugar problems.

    All bad for your heart and brain

    Anyway, if fruit isn’t really that good for your health – then why am I promoting “fruit” in today’s topic?…

    What’s The Miracle Fruit?

    Well, the fruit I’m referring to is an Avocado! 

    Now, most people call an avocado a “vegetable” because it’s green. Or a “fat” because the primary calories are from fat.

    However, the avocado is technically a fruit, and even more specifically, a single-seeded berry.

    Personally, I categorize an avocado under FATS because one medium-size avocado (150 grams) has about1:

    • 240 calories
    • 12 calories (3 grams) from protein
    • 12 calories (3 grams + 9 grams fiber) from carbohydrates
    • 216 of calories (24 grams) being from fat (90% of the calories)

    Now, the TYPE of fat is the key to avocado’s “cholesterol-lowering” secret.

    As far as clinical proof for supporting healthy cholesterol…

    One study2 saw a 16% decrease in total cholesterol after only 7 days of a diet high in monounsaturated fats from avocados and a 22% decrease in both the “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, along with an 11% increase the “good” HDL cholesterol.

    In a second study3, the participants saw an average drop of 14 points in “bad” LDL cholesterol with a higher avocado diet

    The “Secret” Heart-Healthy Fat

    Now, the reason for avocados working so well is that 66% of the fat is from monounsaturated fats!1

    Most people like olive oil as the main source of monounsaturated fats.

    However, I don’t because most olive oil is rancid and processed. It’s “fake”.

    Most of the healthier, “extra virgin oils” break down at a lower heat temperature, and thus, it’s best kept UNCOOKED and eaten raw (like on a salad for example)

    My favorite monounsaturated fat to cook with is macadamia oil because it’s not processed very much and also has a high heat capacity, so it’s great for cooking.4


    So if you want a healthy heart and cholesterol levels, decrease your sugars and increase healthy monounsaturated fats from my favorite heart-healthy fruit, an avocado!

    If you want to speed up the process and want a natural vitamin pill that promotes healthy cholesterol levels, you can also try Cholesterol Optimizer. It’s what my parents have been using for 25+ years.

    It’s natural. Works quickly. Easy and convenient.

    2. Arch. med. Res. 1996:27(4);519-523
    3. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015; 4:e001355
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