The Ideal HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels – Scary Facts & Simple Solutions

    The below statistics for cholesterol and heart problems are for the UK… However, the bad news is that the stats are even WORSE in the US!

    • Heart problems are the #1 killer in the UK and US
    • 6/10 people have “high cholesterol” in the UK…  But it’s 7/10 people in the US

    As you can see, heart problems MUST be dealt with and not just brushed off for “later”.

    Please read my “Summary” below for some simple and effective, natural solutions…



    Having healthy cholesterol and helping to prevent heart problems doesn’t need to be too difficult. Here are simple adjustments you can make:


    Try to reduce some of the man-made foods (bread, pasta, vegetable oils, etc.) with more natural foods (vegetables, fruits, legumes, sweet potatoes). And just drink more water and less “other” liquids


    Just get outside and WALK every day or at least 3x weekly for 20-30 minutes. Anyone can do this. If you can lift some weights (even bodyweight exercises), even better. You don’t need a gym.


    Get faster results using specific herbs, vitamins and minerals that are clinically proven to help have healthy cholesterol levels, LDL/HDL and triglyceride levels. You don’t have to take 3-5 different products when an “all-in-one” solution already exists.

    This is exactly what I did for both my parents over 15+ years ago… And you can do the same!

    So don’t just passively read this article today. Take action right now and make the above adjustments in your life today, to see results tomorrow.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide