Shocking Difference Between White & Brown Eggs In 2024

    I get a lot of questions about eggs, which is good because there’s a LOT of misinformation about this wonderful food source.

    It’s easily one of the best sources of complete protein.

    It’s erroneously thought to be bad for you because the media has lied and said how it’s “bad” for your cholesterol levels because it increases it.

    However, they failed to mention that it increases your “good”, HDL cholesterol.

    Eggs are good for your brain, muscles, fat loss, skin, hair, memory, hormones, and sex drive… just to name a few of the benefits.

    And with that said, today’s topic is going to reveal the REAL difference between white and brown eggs.


    • What makes the egg brown or white?
    • Is there a difference in the chicken that laid the egg?
    • Is one healthier than the other?
    • What makes the shell harder?
    • Why are brown eggs more expensive?
    • Does one taste better than the other?
    • Does the color of the yolk make a difference?
    • Which is the best type of egg to eat?… free range, pasture raised or cage free?

    What Makes The Egg Brown or White?

    The color of the egg is determined by the breed of chicken.

    In general, white-feathered chickens with white earlobes lay white eggs, and reddish-brown-feathered chickens with red earlobes lay brown eggs.

    There are also breeds that lay less commonly found blue eggs and speckled eggs.


    Which One Is “Better” For You?

    The truth is it makes no difference.

    The color of the egg does NOT mean it’s healthier for you or that is has a better or different type of nutritional value or even taste different.

    Unfortunately, because we’re told that we shouldn’t have “white” foods — white rice, pasta, bread, white sugars, etc., etc. … brown eggs cost more than white, even though there’s no difference in them.

    Why Do Brown Eggs Cost More?

    Other than marketing and the perception that white has less nutritional value… Brown eggs tend to have a higher price tag simply because the reddish-feathered chickens that lay brown eggs are larger than the breed that lays white eggs, and as such, they require more feed/food.

    That extra cost is offset by — you guessed it — a higher price at the grocery store.


    What Makes The Shell Harder?

    The shells of both color eggs have the same thickness.

    If you’ve ever noticed that an eggshell seems tougher, it’s because of the age of the chicken, and not the color of the egg.

    Younger chickens tend to lay eggs with harder shells, while older chicken lay eggs with thinner shells. This is true of both white and brown eggs.

    However, the harder the shell, the more calcium it typically has.

    What About The Color Of The Yolk?

    Healthier eggs that are fed better food and also live better lives, tend to have darker yolks – which is better for you.

    There are more nutrients and the egg does taste better.

    But again, this has nothing to do with the color of the eggshell, but rather the feed the chickens eat and the healthier lifestyle they have.


    What’s The Best Egg To Eat?

    So, the color of the eggshell doesn’t matter in regards to the quality of the egg – nor the taste.

    It has to do with the BREED of the chicken.

    However, the bottom line and probably the most confusing is:

    What’s the difference between free-range, cage-free and pasture-raised eggs? What’s the healthiest?

    And this DOES make the biggest difference so read the article explaining the differences and which is the best egg and chicken: Free range, cage free, or pasture raised eggs?

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