How To Sleep Less, Have More Energy & Live Longer (2024)

    Have More ENERGY & Better MEMORY

    Today I’m going to reveal how you can sleep less, have more energy and live longer.

    I’ll also give you 10 specific ways you can get a more restful sleep, in less time… giving you an extra hour or two of free time every day..

    I’m A “Bad” Sleeper

    Most of my life, I’ve been a “bad” sleeper. I’m super sensitive to sound and light. Any little thing can wake me up and when I’m awake, I have a very hard time going back to sleep.

    My brain is always “on”

    I’m either trying to figure out a solution to a problem … Or I’m just excited about something. And I’ve been like this my entire life. Luckily, I don’t need much sleep.

    I Sleep 6 Hours Or Less

    In fact, most of my life I’ve only needed about 6 hours of sleep.

    And if I really optimized my nutrition, exercise, supplements and hormones, I needed even LESS sleep.

    And the thing is, I wake up feeling pretty good and energized. I’ve never needed an alarm to wake up.

    And if I did get little tired in the middle of the day, I’d take a quick 15-20 min nap and that’s all I needed to be back to 100% energy.

    But Is That Healthy?

    However, something in the back of my mind would keep saying “this isn’t healthy, you *should* be sleeping at least 7-8 hours a day, or more!”

    So, I was always obsessed with sleeping more because I thought it was “good” for me, even though I really never needed more sleep.

    I thought my lack of sleep was probably aging me more. However, the opposite might be true…

    Sleep More, Die Sooner

    Research shows that people who sleep “more”, actually die sooner than those who sleep less!

    Recently there was an analysis of 16 separate sleep studies covering more than 1.1 million people.

    What was discovered is that 30% of people who slept more than 8 hours a night, died earlier, than those who slept 6 hours.1

    And there have been other similar studies stating that sleeping 8 hours or more is worse for your health because of a variety of reasons — such as an

    • increase in inflammation
    • lack of movement
    • fatigue
    • negative changes in hormones, etc.

    “But I NEED More Sleep Dr. Sam!”…

    Okay, great… so sleeping less might be good.  And having an extra couple of hours in the day is even better.

    But what do you do when you NEED more sleep? When you can’t seem to function on only 6 hours? When you have such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning?

    Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes about this and says, “sleep faster”.

    However, the real question is WHY do some people need more sleep than others? And how can you sleep less and have even more energy?

    How To Sleep Less & Have More Energy

    Well, the real reason is that healthy people need less sleep. 

    When your body is healthy, it’s “fixing” everything in less time, you’re more efficient and you have better QUALITY of sleep.

    Unless you’re growing and you’re below the age of 20, you don’t need as much sleep.

    When you’re NOT healthy, your body is slow to recover because your body is either lacking in nutrients or your hormones aren’t optimized.

    … OR …

    You’re doing the wrong things — like

    • eating the wrong foods
    • not exercising
    • going to bed late and throwing off your circadian rhythm
    • and so forth.

    So what you want to do is optimize your health, so you can repair and recover quicker at night and thus, get BETTER QUALITY of sleep.

    10 Proven Tips For Better Quality Sleep

    Now, there are lots of ways to do this and improve your “sleep hygiene”. But let me give you the 10 tips that have made the biggest improvements in my sleep and energy levels.

    So, let’s first start with your sleeping habits as you get ready for bed.

    1. Stop using all electronic devices, or at least dim the light on everything. I wear “blue blocker” glasses about 60 minutes before bed. Blue light keeps you awake.
    2. Don’t take sleeping pills or drugs. You may sleep longer, but the quality is less. Not to mention they cause long-term memory loss and dementia. Instead, take magnesium and herbs that help you relax and maybe 1-3 mg of Melatonin. Too much melatonin makes you groggy in the morning.
    3. Try to get to bed by 10 pm and especially before midnight. This is when your hormones are optimized for sleep. Higher melatonin levels and lower cortisol.
    4. Make sure your room is dark and preferably around 68 degrees. Cooler helps you sleep better. I wear eyeshades and earplugs.
    5. Before going to bed, journal or write down what you’ve learned today and what you’re grateful for. If you don’t want to write it, at least think about it and FEEL it. Having a happy mindset allows for deeper and more restful sleep.
    6. When you get up in the morning, go have 2 big glasses of water and take a total-body energy solution called Body Brain Energy. This formula gives your mind and body the exact nutrients it needs to maximize your energy levels – physically and mentally.Body Brain Energy also helps improve cognition and optimizes your brain neurotransmitters, so you’re productive AND happier the entire day.
    7. Exercise daily, preferably earlier in the day. Most of us don’t move enough or at all. Exercise also balances your hormones. You only need 20 min to start, even a fast walk is great.
    8. Eat fewer processed animal proteins because they slow down your repair. Eat more vegetables, natural whole grains and healthy, raw fats for your brain.
    9. Make sure you get some sunlight daily to improve Vitamin D levels. We are indoors far too long and the sun helps optimizes your melatonin and cortisol levels for a deeper sleep at night.
    10. Don’t obsess over your sleep. If you need more, sleep more. If you need less, sleep less. Every day your body has different stresses, so just go with the flow.

    However, if you don’t wake up energized. If you’re not full of energy most of the day. If your mind isn’t sharp. If your brain is foggy and your memory is getting worse. Then your body and your brain are lacking specific nutrients.

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