Revealed: Discover The REAL Cause Of Memory Loss & Brain Aging

    Today’s topic is very important for anyone over the age of 40 and especially to me because I have a family history of brain and memory problems, mainly from my dad’s side of the family.

    So if you’re concerned about your memory and you’d like to improve it …. And help prevent the onset or progression of cognitive and memory problems, please read today’s article.

    No “Cure” For Bad Memory?…

    Now, the media will lead you to believe there is no “cure” for such memory and cognition problems.

    In fact, it’s not even the media’s fault – it’s what the Pharmaceutical companies tell everyone.


    And, I used to believe this myself.

    I figured that it must be “all genetics” and there’s nothing you can do. After all, that’s what they told us in school.

    It’s All A Big Lie

    Unfortunately, this is all a big lie and recent research has exposed this.

    The real truth is that there IS a way to slow down the progression of memory problems. In fact, you can actually STOP it and potentially “avoid” it from even happening.

    In fact, new studies reveal EXACTLY how to do it, in addition to the REAL cause!1-6

    The key isn’t in the beta-amyloid tangles that get so much attention (and have been the target of so many FAILED pharmaceutical drugs).

    It’s something else: an ugly little “mistake” in the brain called tau tangles.

    Tau Tangles

    They pop up FIRST… especially in the brain stem… and as they accumulate, everything starts to fall apart.

    When tau spreads out and hits the cortex, you’ve got memory problems.

    Here’s How To Stop The Disease

    Stop the tau, and you can help stop the disease.

    But the first challenge is that you have to SPOT it, and you might think that’s impossible without expensive brain scans.


    That’s where the new studies come in1-6 because there IS a way to spot the early warning signs of tau and you don’t need a scan or even a doctor.

    You can FEEL it!

    Causes Depressive Feelings & Sleep Problems

    The new studies reveal that MOOD CHANGES and SLEEP problems can all be early warning signs of that tau short-circuit, especially in older folks over the age of 45.


    Now, these aren’t the CAUSE of memory loss.

    They’re warning signs, but they’re warning signs of that same tau accumulation.

    And that’s where this gets tricky.

    See, you might think treating these conditions can stop the tau. But that’s NOT how Big Pharma “treatment” works.

    In fact, those meds are custom-crafted to ensure you CONTINUE to SUFFER!

    The Real Truth

    The truth is, drug makers don’t profit from cures… and I’m sure you already know this.

    If you could take a shot one time … or swallow some pills for a few days or a couple of weeks and then be done with it, they don’t earn the big bucks.

    There’s no continued revenue stream from you, month after month, year after year.

    Instead, the real way for them to make billions year after year is to create drugs that “manage” problems rather than cure them.

    Why Drugs Are Designed To NOT Work

    They fight the SYMPTOM, but not the CAUSE.

    That helps explain why many people who start taking drugs NEVER stop. In fact, they increase the dosage over the years and many times, ADD ON additional drugs to fight the negative side effects of the original drug.

    More Drugs

    A Better Way To “Fix” It

    However, the good news for you is that there is a much BETTER way to “FIX” these problems and REPAIR the underlying causes.

    You need to start taking natural, brain-protecting nutrients.

    Let’s Get Started

    To start with, I suggest everyone take a multi-complex B vitamin supplement. B12 (methylcobalamin form is best) is one of the more important B vitamins.

    Make sure you also take some omega-3 fatty acids. This would be fish oils. However, if you’re a vegetarian, then you can try flaxseed and hemp oil, but they aren’t as effective.

    Fish Oils

    Unfortunately, trying to get these strictly from “food-only” sources just won’t be enough or effective… And this is why I’m suggesting supplements.

    Brain Protective Ingredients

    Additionally, I would highly suggest taking clinically proven, “brain-protective”, energy-producing ingredients such as

    • Different forms of Choline
    • Ginkgo
    • Vinpocetine
    • NADH
    • Acetyl L-Carnitine
    • CoQ10 and PQQ

    There are a few other ingredients I recommend and the ones I also take myself.


    Here’s a link to all the nutrients I suggest and descriptions on how they all work.

    Of course, I don’t expect you to go out and purchase each of these supplements separately, it’s just too expensive and too much work.

    In this page, you can see how to get everything in one place, so it’s easy and convenient.

    Never Give Up!

    So there you have it — how to protect your brain and help avoid, stop, and potentially fix memory loss, and other cognitive problems.

    Just know that it takes time to see results, just as it’s taken many years to have these problems.

    So please be patient, never give up because there’s hope!

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide