đźš­ The Best Way To Stop Smoking, Permanently In 2024

    People are smoking less these days, which is a good thing. However, there are still many people who smoke and want to stop, but they just don’t know how or whatever they’ve tried doesn’t work. For example, I got the following email the other day.

    “Hey doc – I really need to stop smoking, but I’m not sure how. I’ve tried a few times, but it never works. My doctor told me I need to stop cold turkey. He also suggested I take the drug, Chantix. What are your thoughts? Please help me.”

    It Starts In The Head

    Well, first of all – your mindset has to be in the right place. You must WANT to stop. Coming from a place where you “need” to stop, isn’t very strong.


    Make a list of all the bad or negative things that will happen if you continue to smoke. Such as heart and lung problems, putting your family under stress, extra medical costs in the future, etc.

    Then, make a list of all the positive things that will happen. You’ll feel better, have more energy, smell better, live longer, etc.

    The more emotional, the better.

    Additionally, you must also have good people around you. If all of your friends are smokers, you can’t really go out, interact with them, and not feel that need or urge to smoke. So, keep this in mind.

    Forget Chantix

    As far as the Chantix, this is a nightmare of a drug.

    This pill will make you 34 percent more likely to end up in the ER for an endless nightmare of dangerous heart problems including heart attack, stroke, arrhythmias, unstable angina, and peripheral vascular disease.


    In real numbers, that means that nearly 1 in 250 patients on Chantix will suffer some kind of cardiovascular problem requiring a trip to the ER — not because they’re smokers, but because of the drug.

    Now, some will say this is because smokers already have health problems. But, this isn’t the case.

    If you have no history of heart problems at all… not even a little chest flutter… Chantix will STILL increase your risk of an ER visit for a cardiac issue by 12 percent.

    The drug also causes anger and rage and is also linked to suicides.

    So, forget the drug… I’ll show you how to do it naturally, in a minute.

    Going Cold Turkey

    I’ve had a lot of people try to stop smoking cold turkey, but I don’t like this method.

    Nicotine, one of the active ingredients in cigarettes is extremely addictive. However, the thousand other chemicals in a cigarette are probably even MORE addictive.

    So, just as with any addictive drug, I don’t tell people to just stop. I tell everyone to cycle off.

    For chemical reasons, but also habitual reasons.

    If you’ve been smoking for a few years, maybe 10 or 20 or more, this is now a daily habit of yours.

    Cycle Off – It’s Better & Safer

    So, it’s best to slowly cycle off of the drug, while your body balances itself out and improves different chemicals and neurotransmitters – which I’ll talk about in a minute.

    Now, let’s pretend you’re smoking 10 cigarettes daily. Here’s how to do it.


    Go to the lowest nicotine content cigarettes.

    Lower by one cigarette every week. So week one, you go from 10 daily to 9 daily. Week two, 8 daily. Week 3, 7 daily and so forth.

    So, in about 10 weeks, you’re basically off of cigarettes. Chemically and physically – are BOTH two different mechanisms of addiction.

    Improving Chemicals & Neurotransmitters

    Part of the addiction that comes from smoking cigarettes is the euphoric feeling and chemical high.

    Nicotine gives you more energy. It’s a stimulant. It increases adrenaline.

    It helps increase cognition and improves focus. In fact, nicotine is a very powerful nootropic.

    It increases dopamine levels – which is the pressuring chemical. And this is a major issue with addiction.

    Nicotine also decreases your appetite and interacts with your blood sugar and insulin receptors.

    So, this is why it’s so hard to just stop cold turkey. Too many positives to justify stopping.

    Instead, we need to fix all of these chemicals in your brain and body, naturally – so you get the same high or benefits all day long and it’s NOT from the cigarettes.

    So what we want to do is replenish naturally, what the nicotine was giving your body. And in the process, fix what the smoking broke.

    Herbs that will also:

    1. Increase your energy levels
    2. Improve cognition and focus
    3. Increase dopamine levels
    4. Reduce your appetite
    5. Improve your mood

    Thus, you’re getting all the same benefits, but now it’s NOT from the cigarettes. It’s from natural, safe herbs.

    With that said, I’ve got a link to the best herbs and formulas that will help accomplish these goals.

    It’s actually a formula that many people use to just have more energy – body, and mind.

    However, I’ve noticed that when smokers are trying to quit, using my cycle-off method combined with the ingredients listed below, they have almost NO withdrawal problems and mostly stay off the cigarettes, permanently!

    We replace the negatives of smoking, with the positives of natural herbs.

    Now there’s not a void.

    However, as stated originally – you must WANT to quit and you need to be around good people who will support and respect you.

    Anyway, if you want to stop smoking, permanently – cycle off slowly and replace the positives with natural herbs.

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