⚠️ WARNING: Low Acetylcholine = Bad Memory & Alzheimer’s

    Have More ENERGY & Better MEMORY

    Today I’m going to reveal how low acetylcholine levels cause brain fog, mental confusion, memory problems, and similar neuro-associative problems.

    I’ll also list a number of popular medications that most of us have taken, including myself, that cause a depletion of acetylcholine and thus, cause memory issues.

    And of course, I’ll give you simple, natural solutions that you can implement today, to help improve your choline levels and thus, improve your mind.

    My Own Struggles With Memory

    As I’ve gotten older, I’ve focused even more on improving my mind and especially my memory.

    In fact, as a child, I’ve always had sub-par memory, at least in school.

    Getting all of my degrees and spending over 15+ years at the university was very difficult for me because I’m not good at memorizing things.

    And unfortunately, that’s what school is mostly about – memorizing “stuff”, most of which you will rarely ever use.

    In fact, most of my friends in school who did well typically had great memories. Even now, my physician friends can quote crap from years ago to the point that I think, “HOW do you still remember this years later and WHY?”

    It’s as if they have some kind of photographic memory or something.

    Yet, with all that they memorize, most lack common sense and critical thinking.

    My Family History of Memory Problems

    Anyway, I mention all of this because I also have a family history of brain health and memory problems.

    Now, my mom and, we both have poor memory – but not my dad. This guy remembers everything – including silly things going back over 80 years ago.


    However, after his stroke and in the past 5 years, I can see a very fast decline in his memory. He forgets everything now.

    Maybe this is the start of dementia, I’m not sure.

    The good news is that in the past 6 months, I’ve improved his memory a lot, as well as my mom’s … which I’ll be sharing with you how, so you can do the same in your life.

    Plus, how I’ve improved my own memory tremendously over the past decade.

    So, it’s never too late regardless of how old you are.

    Acetylcholine – the Memory Booster & Maker

    Acetylcholine is one of the most abundant neurotransmitters in the nervous system. Basically, a “brain chemical”.

    It’s needed to turn short-term memories into long-term ones.

    People who are deficient in Acetylcholine, have symptoms such as:

    • Frequently struggle to find the right word.
    • You lose your train of thought during conversations.
    • Can’t recall something you just read.
    • You often misplace everyday items like keys, phones, and glasses.
    • Your overall reaction time is slow.
    • You know or suspect that you’ve got ADHD.
    • Your sense of direction is poor and you frequently get lost.
    • You might even crave fatty foods.

    Many of the symptoms of acetylcholine deficiency are typical of what we refer to as “senior moments.”

    Or, we think it’s just part of aging.


    And, in fact, they are very similar to those of the early stages of more serious memory problems.

    And that is no coincidence.

    Chronic acetylcholine deficiencies are associated with serious neurological disorders.1-3

    The acetylcholine levels of neurological disorders patients can be 90% below what’s considered normal.4

    Drugs and Memory Loss

    In fact, memory drugs work on this premise and aim to keep levels of acetylcholine up by blocking its breakdown.


    Speaking of drugs, one reason statin cholesterol-lowering drugs are known to cause memory problems is the decrease in Acetylcholine production AND receptor sensitivity.5-6

    This is also due in part, to the decrease in the production of cholesterol, which is needed for the production of acetylcholine.

    Stop Taking These “Anti” Acetylcholine Drugs

    Drugs that block the action of acetylcholine are known as anticholinergics and are a common cause of acetylcholine deficiency.

    A surprising number of drugs fall into this category, both prescription and OTC (over-the-counter).

    A good rule of thumb is that any medication that starts with “anti” is likely to affect your acetylcholine level.

    This includes:

    • antihistamines (treatment of allergies)
    • antidepressants
    • antipsychotics
    • antibiotics
    • antispasmodics
    • antihypertensives (blood pressure lowering)

    The symptoms caused by these drugs — brain fog, mental confusion, and memory loss — can be so severe that they resemble the symptoms of dementia.

    And I can guarantee most people listening to this message, have taken at least ONE of these “anti” drugs.

    For example, I used to take antihistamines for allergies and I’ve taken antibiotics in the past, as almost all of us have.

    But, it gets worse…

    OTC Remedies That Affect Acetylcholine Levels

    It’s not just prescription medications that cause acetylcholine deficiency.

    Some of the most popular over-the-counter remedies for allergies, insomnia, pain, and acid reflux that affect acetylcholine levels include:7-9

    • Advil PM (pain and sleep)
    • Benadryl (for allergies)
    • Claritin (for allergies)
    • Dramamine (for motion sickness)
    • Excedrin PM (for pain and insomnia)
    • Nytol (for insomnia)
    • Pepcid AC (acid reflux)
    • Sominex (for insomnia)
    • Tagamet (acid reflux)
    • Tylenol PM (for pain and insomnia)
    • Unisom (for insomnia)
    • Zantac (acid reflux)

    Again, I can guarantee most people have taken at least one of these drugs.

    Years ago I used to take Unisom and Sominex to sleep.

    Sleeping-Pills Acetylcholine

    OTC remedies can have long-term consequences, even when taken short term.

    For example, OTC medications like Benadryl significantly increase your risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s after only 60 days of use.10-11

    What’s worse, is that seniors who use these drugs long-term (for more than 7 years) increase their risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia by 400%.12

    So, What’s The Solution?

    So let’s talk about 3 main solutions.

    Stop Using The “Anti” Drugs

    So in order to fix and reverse these issues, you FIRST need to eliminate the cause – which is to NOT use or limit, the use of the drugs I just mentioned.

    Increase Fats

    Next, you want to increase your “good” fat intake. In fact, some people who have low levels of acetylcholine, ALSO crave more fats.

    This is because the precursor to acetylcholine is choline, a vitamin B complex-related nutrient found mainly in fatty animal foods.

    Choline crosses the blood-brain barrier into the brain where it gets converted into acetylcholine.


    The best source of choline by far is egg yolks.13

    • So, make sure you eat the WHOLE egg and not just the white.
    • Eat only pasture-raised eggs – you’ll notice the yolk is a dark orange, not pale yellow.
    • The yolk should also be runny. So, soft-boiled is ideal. In fact, I eat them raw.
    • Eat 1-2 eggs daily. And NO, it’s not bad for your cholesterol levels – in fact, eggs increase your good, HDL lipoprotein cholesterol levels.
    Take Supplements

    Finally, make sure you take supplements. The best combination that’s clinically proven to increase your acetylcholine levels are

    • Choline (Bitartrate)
    • CDP Choline
    • Alpha-Glyceryl Phosphoryl Choline (A-GPC)
    • Huperzine A
    • Bacopa extract (50% bacopa glycosides)

    Taking choline by itself will help – but not too much. The MOST effective is A-GPC and the second would be Huperzine and Bacopa extract.

    Of course, there are other ingredients for healthy brain health and memory:

    • Nootropics
    • Dopamine Increasers
    • Cortisol reducers
    • Mitochondria Optimizers

    And so forth. Again, I’ve got all the details, the best ingredients, combinations, and formulas. It’s easy to use and convenient.


    So, if you’re having memory problems  and other cognitive problems, make sure you improve your acetylcholine levels by”

    • NOT taking medications that cause depletion
    • Eating egg
    • Taking specific supplements that can boosts acetylcholine levels by up to 500% within days

    Please take care of your health – both physical AND mental.

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetylcholine
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3497293/
    3. https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/acetylcholine
    4. https://web.williams.edu/imput/synapse/pages/IA5.html
    5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22688219
    6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23065075
    7. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2091742
    8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18510583
    9. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2010-07-medications-term-cognitive-impairment-aging.html
    10. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288546.php
    11. https://medicine.iu.edu/news/2013/05/campbell-boustani/
    12. https://www.webmd.com/allergies/news/20160509/anticholinergic-drugs-dementia-link#1
    13. https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/nutrients/report/nutrientsfrm?max=25&offset=0&totCount=0&nutrient1=421&nutrient2=&nutrient3=&subset=0&fg=&sort=c&measureby=m
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