đź’§ Best Times To Drink Water For Health, Fitness & Longevity In 2024

    It’s 2024 and I recently did an article entitled, “When drinking water is BAD for your health”.

    In today’s article, I’ll give you 3 specific times you should drink water, to improve your health, fitness, and longevity.

    So you can improve how you look – such as your skin…

    How you feel – such as your energy levels, blood sugar, blood pressure, and reduced pain and inflammation…

    And simply to perform better all day long.

    So let’s get right to it.

    #1 Best Time To Drink Water

    The very best time to drink water is first thing in the morning.

    When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and fairly acidic. We want to quickly reverse that, so you’ll have more energy, your skin is hydrated, and we can alkalize your body because being overly acidic.

    People Screw This Up Big Time!

    Sadly, most people screw this up by drinking coffee in the morning or some energy drink, which actually makes this situation worse.

    By drinking anything with caffeine, you’re making your body more dehydrated, and more acidic, and you’re increasing your cortisol levels even higher.

    If you want to dramatically increase your energy levels, and improve your memory, and cognition, there is a specific supplement you can take that I use personally – but, I’ll give you the name at the end of the article.

    Dr. Sam’s Lemonade

    Now, you can just drink 2-3 cups of water to start the day.

    However, I make my own little drink and it has a lot of health benefits and it tastes pretty good too. I call it Dr. Sam’s lemonade.

    Plus, it’ll stimulate your metabolism, detox, and increase fat loss a little bit

    So get up, and take at least 2-3 cups of water.

    Add in a little bit of Himalayan or Celtic salt so that your body will absorb the water and it doesn’t go right through you.

    These salts have minerals, which is exactly what your body needs, especially in the morning.

    And NO, adding a little bit of salt, less than ¼ of a teaspoon, is NOT going to raise your blood pressure. In fact, it’ll help lower it and also reduce anxiety and stress hormones.

    Then add in some organic lemon juice to alkalize your body and make things taste better.

    You can just buy pre-made lemon juice, which is what I do.

    And if you want, add in a tiny bit of vinegar to also help with acidity and to normalize blood sugar levels. I get the one that says “with mother” on the label.

    And finally, I add a little bit of organic stevia to sweeten it. Makes this all taste much better and it doesn’t do anything negative to your blood sugar.

    And there you have it. I actually drink this at least 2-3x daily.

    You can make a big pitcher of it, like a gallon, and then do the same and your family can enjoy it as well.

    #2 Best Time To Drink Water

    The second best time is before, during, and after exercise. And, you’d better be exercising, so no excuses.

    IF all you do is go for a 20-30 minute walk, that’s fine. Drink 2-3 cups and go for a walk. The water + walk helps detox and flush out toxins.

    If you exercise at the gym and sweat and so forth, then you need to be hydrated.

    And for guys that want to get a big pump at the gym, my “Dr Sam’s Lemonade” will also help get you a bigger pump, and improve contraction and stamina.

    #3 Best Time To Drink Water

    Finally, make sure you have about 1 cup of water about an hour or 2 before bedtime.

    Now, you may be thinking “oh geez, I’ll be getting up all night long and peeing”.

    Well, by using my “Lemonade drink” with the salt, you’ll absorb the water.

    You’ll also alkalize and improve blood sugar and decrease blood pressure, again… all benefits while you’re sleeping.

    However, most people don’t realize that by staying hydrated throughout the night, you’re LESS likely to get up, snore, wake up tired have headaches or wake up with pain and stiffness.


    One last thing – make sure you drink water throughout the day, but do so in between your meals — NOT before, during or after, as I described in my previous article.

    So make sure you drink water:

    1. First thing in the morning when you wake up.
    2. Before, during and after exercise – even if it’s just a walk
    3. About an hour or two before bed.

    Again, I suggest you do NOT start your day with coffee, even if it’s “bulletproof”. Make sure you get hydrated with water first.

    If you want to increase your energy levels all day long and improve your mood, memory, and cognition, take a natural anti-aging, nootropic, “smart pill” supplement such as Body-Brain Energy.

    It’s a perfect substitute and alternative for any caffeinated product (coffee, energy drinks, etc.) and it’s actually GOOD for you.

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