🏺 Mustard Oil: Dangerous & Toxic or Healthy & Tasty? (2024 update)

    So I’ll be honest with you, I’ve gotten a lot of questions about Mustard Oil and if it’s okay to eat it. And the truth is, I really didn’t know much about this oil. Other than the mustard I put on my hotdogs growing up, I had no clue what Mustard Oil was and if it’s dangerous or healthy, toxic, or tasty.

    The good news is that I’m going to give you a quick summary of it in today’s article and share with you what I’ve learned.

    What Is It?

    Mustard oil is made from pressing the seeds of a mustard plant to produce a spicy oil.

    mustard oil

    One reason I hadn’t heard much about it is that mustard oil is popular in Eastern cooking, although some American chefs have begun experimenting with the oil, which has a heat and distinctive flavor to it.

    Banned By FDA

    Real mustard oil, however, is actually banned for cooking uses by the FDA.

    fda banned mustard oil

    This is because it contains an ingredient called erucic acid that has been shown to cause heart problems. Erucic acid is a fatty acid that is not well metabolized. It’s considered a contaminant.

    Essential Oil Only

    However, the FDA does allow a different type of oil, called mustard essential oil, to be sold for cooking. Mustard essential oil is made from steam distillation of mustard seeds. It’s considered safe for use in cooking by the FDA.

    mustard essential oil

    Both mustard oil and the mustard essential oil is used for massage, but only the “essential” version can be used for cooking.


    However, there are some benefits to mustard essential oil.

    1. Boosts Cardiac/Heart Health
    Because it’s rich in both mono and polyunsaturated fats, it helps lower “bad” cholesterol and raises the “good”.

    2. Contains Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

    3. Improves Hair Health
    This is because it’s high in omega 3 fatty acids, which has anti-inflammatory benefits.

    4. Reduces Pain Associated with Inflammation

    5. Treats Gum Disease

    6. Good For Skin
    This is if you use it topically.

    Bottom Line

    I can tell you more, but let me just give you the bottom line for Mustard Oil.

    Regular, unregulated mustard oil can be dangerous, so don’t bother using it.

    The “essential” oil version is much safer and you can even cook with it. However, I wouldn’t bother.

    You can use it on your skin, it’s better and less risky than eating it. However, even with that, I suggest using other oils – Emu, Almond, Coconut, etc.

    So there you have it – an interesting oil, but there are much better, healthier, and safer oils for you to use topically and in your foods.

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