[ 2024 ] 🌽 Worst Vegetables You Must Avoid

    Today I’m going to reveal the worst vegetables you must avoid eating. This is important since I think most of us think that all vegetables are good for you, but this is NOT the truth as you’ll discover today.

    This is part two of my article series about vegetables. Part one I revealed the best vegetables you must eat daily.

    So, after you read this one, make sure you read the “best vegetables” one. And I’ll share the specific article link to that at the end of this short article.

    Nightshade Vegetables

    such as Squash, eggplants, pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and zucchini. Most people think these are vegetables, but they are actually fruits. Just remember that if it has a seed, it’s a fruit and not a vegetable.

    nightshade vegetables

    These foods are typically high in inflammation-causing lectins. They cause stomach problems and are generally not good for your gut health, especially when eaten in higher amounts or daily.

    However, that doesn’t mean you have to completely avoid them. IF you do want to eat them occasionally, make sure they are cooked, and most importantly do NOT eat the skin or seeds.

    And, go by how you feel and look. If you start to have skin problems, emotional issues, etc. – then genetically you shouldn’t be eating them at all.


    Yup, this so-called healthy food has issues. First off, it decreases thyroid levels1, which is a big no-no. However, as with all vegetables, there are ways around it.

    IF you do want to still have kale, cook it and eat them in small amounts, 2-3x weekly. And make sure you supplement iodine into your diet. This can be in the form of iodine drops or iodized sea salt.


    And please do NOT have any kale juice – it’s too concentrated.

    Again, if you have no issues with kale, then enjoy it. However many people do, especially when eaten daily and in larger amounts.


    These days, soy is completely fake, especially in the US. It’s genetically modified – even if it says Non-GMO. It’s full of pesticides, even if it says Organic. It increases estrogen and decreases thyroid. IF you want, have a little bit of edamame once in a while, but that’s about it.



    These are vegetables, very high in carbs, and no protein. They digest rapidly and shoot up blood sugar levels, which is really bad for your health.2 As stated in my “best vegetables” article, yams and sweet potatoes are better.



    These are on my “safe” list, however – IF you have candida, which many people do, having this fungus vegetable, a mushroom, could make things worse.

    Many years ago I dealt with candida in the form of white spots on my skin, which is called Tinea Versicolor.

    To make a very long story short, after trying lots of different drugs and diets, the problem always came back. So, I went on a complete candida cleanse diet and did my best to avoid any foods with yeast, fungi, and so forth. Again, I won’t get into the details unless you want me to in a future article.

    And well, after many months, I finally cured my yeast issues and I never again had the Tinea Versicolor and white spots.

    Yes, 2-3 specific supplements and diet changes PERMANENTLY cured it.

    However, one day my dad made me a mushroom omelet, and bam, the white spots came back.

    YOU may not be dealing with this, but just keep this in mind. Antibiotics, sugar, bread, and foods with yeast cause candida and yeast problems in many people, and mushrooms could easily make it worse if you’re sensitive to them.

    So again, IF you have candida in your system, which many of us do, especially women – then it’s best to avoid mushrooms.


    Lastly, I want to mention Corn because most people think corn is a vegetable, but it’s a grain. You should avoid it. Sadly, it’s in so many foods because it’s cheap.


    It causes inflammation, high in lectins, it’s heavily genetically modified, and is full of pesticides. Maybe you can have some non-gmo, organic popcorn once in a while as a treat. It’s filling and full of fiber. However, don’t make a habit of eating corn, daily.


    So again, these vegetables are great and fine, but some people just can’t have any … and most should limit them. And if you do want to have the mentioned vegetables, make sure you prepare them correctly, as I mentioned in the article.

    Don’t forget to read Part 1 of this article, Best Vegetables To Eat.

    1. http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/food-beverages/cruciferous-vegetables#nutrient-interactions
    2. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/2014/01/24/the-problem-with-potatoes/
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