Caffeine Pros and Cons

    Caffeine is a part of our daily lives from the beverages we consume as well as chocolates and other food items. This particular stimulant is found in some of the medicines that are taken such as pain killers and has proven to be an effective way to rev up the body in the morning to take on work or other activities.

    Research has shown that caffeine not only stimulates the nervous system, but is also psychoactive as well which means it can boost the mental processes of the brain. There are plenty of antioxidants in caffeine that protect the body from free radicals which cause premature damage to the skin, hair and nails.

    However, like any stimulant there are positive and negative effects that caffeine provides in the body. Here are the pros and cons of caffeine which will help you decide the amount, if any, that you should consume during the day.

    The Pros of Caffeine

    1. Energy
    Caffeine will raise the energy level of the body and mind on a temporary basis as well as making you more alert. The alertness also comes with the ability to concentrate better and stay more focused on the task at hand. However, it must be noted that it will not improve your memory, so you are better off taking a nap.

    2. Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes & Parkinson’s Disease
    Studies have shown that caffeine has a positive effect on the sugar levels in the blood stream which may actually reduce the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Plus, research has also indicated that those who consume caffeine regularly are less likely to lose the brain cells that transmit dopamine which in turn means that the effects to the motor systems that are run by the brain are less vulnerable to Parkinson’s disease.

    The Cons of Caffeine

    However, not everything caffeine does for the body is good. While consuming moderate amounts of caffeine can be tolerated by the body with few noticeable side effects, if you take in more you do run the risk of suffering from more serious side effects that may affect your health.

    1. Headaches, Irritability, and Anxiousness
    This is arguably the most common effect from consuming too much caffeine. The stimulation to the nervous system is such that you will feel nervous and twitchy until the caffeine has left the body.

    2. Fast or Irregular Heartbeat
    This is a more dangerous symptom, especially if you are suffering from heart disease or a higher risk of heart attacks.

    3. Insomnia
    Another common side effect of consuming too much caffeine. It is recommended that you do not consume any caffeine just before dinner time in order to allow it to leave your body so that you can get a full night’s sleep.

    4. Muscle Twitches
    This is a rather annoying effect of caffeine when too much is consumed as the twitches can disrupt your concentration.

    Studies have also shown that heavy caffeine consumption may lead to bone loss in postmenopausal women as well as increase the chance for miscarriages. Pregnant women are recommended not to consume more than 200mg of caffeine each day.

    All in all, caffeine has mostly positive effects on the body, but it must be taken in moderate amounts in order to get the benefits without the issues.

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