Avoid The Top 3 Causes Of Inflammation For 2024 (Clinically Proven)

    "YES - I Want LESS Pain & Inflammation"

    As stated in part 1, the #1 cause of aging, pain, and health problems are all linked to inflammation.

    In today’s part 2, I’ll reveal the top 3 causes of inflammation. Thus, things you need to reduce or avoid in your life.

    Finally, in part 3, you’ll discover simple solutions for supporting a healthy inflammatory response. Thus, things you can add to your life.

    Remember, it’s just as important to remove BAD things in your life, as it is to add in GOOD things.

    You’ll get double the positive results, with far less effort.

    Inflammatory Foods (Reduce/Avoid)

    Your diet and the foods you eat is one of the biggest causes of chronic inflammation. The 5 worst foods are:

    1. Sugars – This includes table sugar, syrups, juices, and alcohol. This doesn’t include whole fruits.
    2. Alcohol – I consider alcohol sugar. Wine is grape juice. Alcohol itself causes inflammation throughout the body, starting in the liver and your brain. Sure, a little may reduce it in some studies – but long-term it causes many other negatives.
    3. Bad Fats – these are fake, artificial hydrogenated trans fats. As well as vegetable and seed oils high in omega-6 fats. Foods that typically contain these fats are french fries and fried fast foods, many packaged foods, and pastries.
    4. Refined carbohydrates – not all carbs are bad. Unfortunately, many of the good-tasting ones are, such as candy, snack foods, bread, pasta, pastries, most cereals, and many packaged foods.
    5. Processed Proteins – This is one of the worst that most people never think about. Again, all the good-tasting stuff like sausage, hot dogs, bacon, ham, smoked meats, jerky, and so forth. Basically, “fake” protein. Oh, I almost forgot one of the worst proteins of all – DAIRY!

    And how you cook your food matters too. For example, don’t fry your food.

    In future articles, I’ll go deeper into these and other inflammatory foods, more examples, how to quickly spot problem ingredients, and why and how these foods are bad for you.

    I can personally notify you when these articles are available if you’d like.

    Inflammatory Exercises (Reduce/Avoid)

    Exercise is amazing. Unfortunately, most people don’t exercise daily, and worst of all, they don’t MOVE much at all.

    And the good news is that the right type of exercise actually helps support a healthy inflammatory response and I’ll get into that a bit later.

    However, the WRONG type of exercise actually causes chronic inflammation.

    And there are two forms of exercise:

    1. Aerobic – this is basically cardiovascular. Things like long-distance running and cycling and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), induce high levels of chronic inflammation. This is why you hear runners dying of heart problems – it’s because of inflammation in the heart, arteries, and so forth.
    2. Anaerobic – this is muscle building, resistance exercise. The worst is CrossFit and weight lifting where you’re constantly going to failure and beyond, with heavyweights. Too much volume and intensity cause chronic inflammation.

    Both of these scenarios also cause chronically elevated stress hormones like cortisol, because your body is trying its best to reduce chronic inflammation.

    In fact, the heavy lifting and high-intensity workouts are what caused my own personal inflammation problems in my shoulders, knees, and back.

    In future articles, I’ll reveal the best exercises to reduce inflammation.

    I can personally notify you when these articles are available if you’d like.

    However, if you still want to do these inflammatory exercises, there are ways around it and I’ll tell you how in a minute.

    Stress = Inflammation

    And of course, we can’t forget about stress – physical and emotional stress.

    By the way, the high-intensity workouts I just mentioned, that stress the body.

    And stress is good, it makes the body stronger. But too much, ongoing, high stress without proper recovery is the problem.

    And this is also true with stress to your brain and emotional stress.

    Stress inflammation

    Basically, stress causes negative changes in your hormones, which then causes whole-body inflammation.

    In fact, here’s a true story…

    Stress & Back Pain

    Recently someone very, very close to me – his wife got cancer. Guess what happened to my friend?…

    Within days of hearing the news that his wife had cancer, he started to have back pain. He couldn’t even stand up straight, it was too painful.

    This went on for months until his wife’s cancer went into remission and she was healthy again.

    Then, within a few weeks, all of a sudden, his back pain disappeared.

    Yes, stress (emotional and physical) causes inflammation, which causes pain and diseases.

    In fact, everything that I’ve mentioned today – diet and exercise, are all stress-related.

    Of course, you can reduce some of your stress, which I’ll tell you how. But then there are stresses that you can’t control, but you can manage them.

    Thus, never feel like a victim or helpless or hopeless.

    YOU are always in control.

    Poor Sleep = Inflammation

    However, there’s one thing that happens to all of us every day that controls stress and inflammation and that’s, SLEEP!


    Yup, poor sleep causes inflammation… Both to your body and your brain.

    That’s right, poor sleep increases inflammation leading to and accelerating brain problems such as memory issues etc

    Inflammation also causes stress to your gut, which causes a million other problems – including emotional.

    Thus, leading to feelings of sadness,  worry, and so forth.

    Basically, one of the best ways to let your body manage stress, lower negative hormones, and decrease inflammation is to have deeper and better sleep.

    Mind you, I didn’t say LONGER sleep – I said better and deeper sleep when all the repairing and growth is happening.


    Before I give you a quick summary of what I’ve covered today, I’ve put a special link below, on my favorite ways to support healthy inflammatory responses.

    It works quickly, it’s easy, scientifically researched and proven, and best of all – requires no change in your lifestyle — diet, exercise, or sleep.

    So, it’s perfect for those of us who are super busy or just aren’t as committed to making big changes in life, yet still, want all the benefits of lowered inflammation.

    However, you still want to

    1. Avoid inflammatory foods. I’ve listed the bad ones, start slowly and remove more from your diet over the next few weeks and months.
    2. If you are doing a lot of intense exercises, make sure you also increase your recovery. Cycle your workouts. And take natural anti-inflammatories.
    3. Finally, all of us need to improve our sleep. Be mindful and try to go to sleep 30-60 minutes earlier tonight. I promise you that you’ll get better sleep with just this one method.

    And make sure you also utilize the same formula my family and I use daily, to help support healthy inflammatory response.

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