đźš­ Vaping – Doctor Reveals The Shocking Truth For 2024

    One of the many perks of living in Southern California is that there’s no smoking in 2024 and it’s been going on for years, specific to many cities. It’s banned, which means I don’t have to smell it, let alone deal with the potential health risks.

    But then a few years ago, people started using “healthy” forms of tobacco from e-cigarettes and now they’re just called vaping.


    In fact, I was originally asked around 2010 or so, to consult and be an investor in one of these companies. I refused because, at that time, I didn’t think they were safe or good for people’s health.

    I was assured they were very safe and was shown lots of clinical studies giving more proof.

    However, I still said no because I didn’t believe it.

    The bad news is that I lost millions of dollars because I didn’t invest in the company.

    The good news is that I still have my integrity.

    Granted, I will always have my integrity because I want to treat people the way I want to be treated. However, it would have been nice to keep my integrity AND make millions of dollars.

    So, where am I going with this story?….

    Serious Health Problems

    Around 2015 I noticed a much higher use of vaping and even more so in the past couple of years.

    And because of this, we have a lot more user feedback and real-life effects from vaping and using e-cigarettes. Here are just some of the facts so far:

    • Personally, I believe one of the biggest issues is that vaping has now become an “epidemic” among teenagers, according to the FDA.1
    • There have been well over 180 vaping-related lung problems, according to the CDC.2 … and the numbers are growing quickly.
    • FDA has stated that vaping can also cause seizures, with over 150 reports.3,4
    • There have also been numerous vaping-related problems.5-9
    • Lastly, these are still drugs and thus, also very addictive!

    Keep in mind that maybe e-cigs are probably safer than smoking regular cigarettes simply because they don’t contain the thousands of additional chemicals found in regular cigarettes, known to cause serious health problems.

    Tobacco vaping

    However, they are by no means without risk or “safe”.

    Safer, but NOT safe at all.

    In fact, so many of the vaping side effects were missed early on or simply ignored.

    Thus, the point of today’s information is that if you vape, you are now INFORMED that these products are horrible for your health, fitness, and longevity.

    If you want to keep doing them, that’s your choice!

    What About Vaping & Marijuana

    Today’s topic is mainly about vaping tobacco-containing products. However, the use of marijuana is on the rise because it’s being legalized and thus, people are vaping it more.

    Is vaping marijuana safe for your health or lungs?… NO!

    Can you vape pot and not have negative effects in the short run and especially long-term?… NO!


    If you’d like more details about vaping and marijuana in a future article, let me know.

    At the end of the day people, a drug is a drug. Use it often – and addiction will take over (whether physical or emotional) and long-term negatives will eventually kick in.

    There’s NO other way around it.

    So either “give it up by not taking it up” in the first place.

    Or, just do your best and use it occasionally.

    1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fda-warns-juul-e-cigarettes-teen-vaping-epidemic/
    2. https://www.cnet.com/news/vaping-hospitalized-with-lung-issues/#ftag=MSF491fea7
    3. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/statement-fda-commissioner-scott-gottlieb-md-and-principal-deputy-commissioner-amy-abernethy-md-phd
    4. https://www.cnet.com/news/fda-investigating-120-reports-of-possible-vaping-related-seizures/#ftag=MSF491fea7
    5. http://www.dph.illinois.gov/news/illinois-resident-experiencing-respiratory-illness-after-vaping-dies
    6. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/04/health/vaping-death-lung.html
    7. https://www.wsj.com/articles/authorities-investigating-450-vaping-illnesses-and-a-third-death-11567794441
    8. https://kstp.com/medical/health-officials-confirm-first-minnesota-death-linked-to-vaping-mdh-lung-injuries/5482870/?cat=1
    9. https://abc7.com/health/first-vaping-associated-death-reported-in-la-county/5520786/
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