❗ Vitamin D Causes Heart Attacks In 2024?!!

    Did you know that vitamin D can cause heart attacks?

    Yup, it can cause plaque buildup in your arteries, which reduces blood flow and could eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke.

    I mention this because I was at a dinner party recently and that’s what this guy was telling me.

    He said that he had low levels of Vitamin D after doing a blood test in 2024. So, he started taking a vitamin D supplement.

    But after a few months, he stopped because a friend of his told him how vitamin D can cause a heart attack because of calcium buildup in the arteries. He said that’s what his doctor told him.

    And, if that wasn’t enough, he saw a few YouTube videos that said the same thing.

    Knowing that I’m in the health field, he then said, “I’m sure you already know this… and you’re not stupid enough to take Vitamin D, right?…

    Well, I wasn’t sure how to answer the guy since I just met him.

    Should I be my usual blunt self? I may offend him.

    Or, shall I be politically correct?

    Honestly, I hate these situations since I’m just an open guy, I hate walking on eggshells worrying about what I say or don’t say or if I’m going to offend someone with my point of view or in this situation, the truth!

    So I just told him, “Yes, I do take Vitamin D and lots of it. Having optimal Vitamin D levels is super important for your health, fitness, and longevity.

    I’ve also done a full calcium score test and it was perfect. I also did an MRI of my heart and arteries, again – zero plaque buildup. BUT, you have to do it correctly. If you want, I can share with you?...”

    He then said, “Oh man, it’s just a matter of time before you have a heart attack”.

    At this point, I didn’t want to get into an argument with him because had already made up his mind. So, I didn’t bother teaching him how all of this works.

    I offered to help, but he didn’t care… So I just moved on.

    However, allow me to give you more details since I think you’re more open-minded and care about the truth based on both clinical studies and real-world empirical evidence.

    Vitamin D3 and Calcium:

    Some studies show that high doses of Vitamin D3 can lead to too much calcium in the blood, potentially causing artery hardening.

    calcium in arteries vitamin D causes heart attacks

    Conversely, calcium can improve bone density, but too much can increase heart risks.

    Understanding the Risks:

    While Vitamin D3 is essential, over-supplementation can lead to hypercalcemia (high calcium levels), which many doctors warn about.


    However, many people, including myself, have high Vitamin D3 levels without elevated calcium. This suggests that current medical guidelines may be flawed.

    The Role of Vitamin K2:

    Vitamin D3 works with Vitamin K2 to regulate calcium in the body. While D3 helps absorb calcium, K2 directs it to the right places—bones and teeth, not arteries.


    Supplementing with K2 is crucial to prevent artery calcification and maintain cardiovascular health.

    How This Works – Key Proteins:

    Osteocalcin: Helps bind calcium to bones, promoting bone strength.

    Matrix GLA Protein (MGP): Prevents calcium from depositing in arteries, keeping them flexible.

    Action Steps For You:

    If you’re taking Vitamin D3, consider adding Vitamin K2.

    Look for MK4 and MK7 forms of K2 in supplements. However, MK7 is generally more effective due to its longer half-life and better absorbability.

    The one I use is the patented MenaQ7® (Natural MK-7; as trans menaquinone-7)

    The ideal ratio is about 2:1. So about 100 mcg or 5000 IU of D3 with 50 mcg of K2, MK-7.

    I take Perfect Vitamin D3 + K2 because it has this correct clinically researched ratio.

    It’s also vegan, plant-based and microencapsulated so it’s better absorbed and fresher than the usual cheaper, oil-based versions that most supplement companies have.

    Most need just 1 pill a day. So, a bottle will last you 3 months, which comes out to pennies a day. So, it’s a great price with so many amazing health benefits.

    Now, I personally take 2 pills daily because that’s what I need to get my Vitamin D levels to the optimal, upper range for maximum health benefits.

    It’s just my genetics. My mom, at age 85 only needs 1 pill daily.

    Dietary Sources of D3 & K2:

    Now, you may also be wondering how you can naturally get more Vitamin D and K, without pills.

    Well, vitamin D is made from the sun hitting your skin. So, you’ll need to be in direct sunlight daily for at least 30 minutes or more. Longer on cloudy days.

    Also, your face and hands don’t count. You need it on a large area – like your legs, and back. In fact, you want to limit the sun on your face and hands to reduce wrinkling, sun damage, and potential skin cancer.

    As far as vitamin K is concerned, you’ll need to eat more animal proteins such as organ meats and whole eggs.

    Unfortunately, you’ll need to eat a lot of it to get optimal levels.

    And if you’re following mostly a plant-based diet, then you’ll need to supplement with Vitamin K2.

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