3 Step Action Plan To Fix Depressive Feelings & Instantly Improve your Mood

    "YES - I Want LESS Pain & Inflammation"

    Video Summary

    The cause of depressive feelings or negative mood is not simple and it’s never going to be just ONE answer.

    This is why all of the different antidepressive and anti-anxiety drugs don’t work for the majority of people and are certainly not long-term. Not to mention a huge placebo effect and thus, how powerful your mind is at controlling your mood.

    • Genetics
    • External factors
    • Internal factors
    • Hormones and neurotransmitters
    • Gut bacteria
    • And inflammation

    Are all major factors and I don’t think any single ONE is more important than another.

    3 Step Action Plan

    1. Go outside every morning and get some sunlight and go for a 15-30 min walk outside. This resets important hormones and gets Vitamin D in your system.
      At the same time, start your morning by taking a specific, vegan Vitamin D3 + K2 supplement such as Perfect Vitamin D&K.
    2. Try to reduce and eliminate all processed foods, sugars, and artificial sweeteners. They mess up your gut bacteria. At the same time, make sure you take probiotics.
      In fact, there are 3 clinically proven probiotics specific for improving mood and they are found in a product called ProVanax
      Which also contains specific herbs and vitamins which help support healthy, youthful levels of key neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.
    3. You must support a healthy inflammatory response.

    But in the meantime, make sure you take fish oil daily or eat wild-caught salmon, 3x weekly.

    And take a potent all-in-one supplement called Inflame & Pain Relief, which helps support healthy and youthful inflammatory responses.

    1. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db377.htm
    2. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/depression
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