Video Summary
Inflammation causes LOTS of health and aging problems.
Today’s topic is about how inflammation (CRP, IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, and LBP) cause a DECREASE in testosterone levels.
- Inflammation causes an increase in stress hormones (cortisol), cytokines, endotoxins, and so forth — all of which directly and indirectly decrease testosterone levels.
- When you have inflammation you also tend to have higher body fat and vice/versa – high body fat also causes inflammation. More body fat also means more estrogen and this also decreases testosterone.
- Inflammation causes insulin resistance, as does higher body fat, stress levels, and so forth. Insulin resistance further decreases testosterone levels.
What’s worse is testosterone itself has ANTI-inflammatory properties, which is a good thing.
And as inflammation increases, you have less testosterone and as you have less testosterone, you have more inflammation.
Inflammation is bad for you, especially for testosterone levels, libido, and mood.
Living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle with the proper diet, exercise program, and stress management is very important and of course, it takes time, effort, persistence, and patience.
Easier Solution
You can help support a healthy inflammatory response by taking two natural supplements:
- Fish oils – take at least 2 grams daily. I take 6 grams. Costco has a good quality one. That’s 2-6 pills daily. I take NOW Foods Oil since it’s cheaper than the pills.
- Inflame & Pain Relief – this amazing all-in-one formula attacks both inflammation and pain from multiple pathways and this is why it’s so effective.
Inflame & Pain Relief has over a dozen, clinically validated and researched ingredients, including 6 patented ones. It’s like 5 products in 1. So it’s convenient, easy, and saves you time and money.
These 2 supplements alone help support healthy inflammatory response, minor pain reduction, and optimal youthful hormone levels.