Review of Andro 400 Testosterone Booster

    Thanks to recent studies that show men who increase their testosterone level can actually boost their sex drive, increase lean muscle mass and shed the unwanted fat there have been a number of products that have hit the shelves promising to boost testosterone levels.

    Essentially, there are two types of products on the market today. There are testosterone replacement supplements that actually use synthetic testosterone or its DHT equivalent to add to the natural amount that is in the body. This type of supplement is usually prescribed although there are over the counter products that offer a reduced amount.

    And there are products like the Andro 400 Testosterone Booster that promise to boost the libido, lower cholesterol levels and drop the excess fat by getting the body to increase the amount of testosterone it produces.

    How it Works

    By combining natural supplements such as vitamins, minerals and herbs, Andro 400 is designed to boost the body’s ability to produce more of what is known as free testosterone so that it can in turn have the positive benefits that such amounts will offer.

    The main ingredient in Andro 400 is Eurycoma Longifolia, a medicinal product that has been used in Indonesia and Malaya for centuries to treat a number of illnesses including malaria. The product is also well known as an aphrodisiac and even works for diabetic patients when augmenting their diets.

    There have been numerous studies on the main active ingredient in Andro 400 with mixed results. Some have cited its ability to increase the levels of free testosterone while others have not. What can be said is that it does seem to boost the sex drive and help raise energy levels as well, so the overall effect is a positive one regardless of whether it actually boost the levels of testosterone.

    What can be said is that there are few, if any real negative side effects to the product when used accordingly. As with any over the counter product, you should check with your doctor if you are taking prescription medication as there is the possibility that they might interact in unforeseen ways. Otherwise, it is recommended that you take the product per directions so that you do not run into any side effects.

    Is Andro 400 Right for You?

    The issue is not so much with the product, but with the ingredient itself as it is the main one featured. While Andro 400 Testosterone Booster obviously offers an ingredient that at the very least can boost the energy levels and libido, the ingredient can also be purchased separately for a significantly lower cost.

    After all, why pay nearly $30 a month when you can just go to your local retail or online store and purchase Eurycoma Longifolia for less? Plus, numerous consumer complaints about the customer service aspects of the company provide even more incentive to go elsewhere and find the ingredient on your own rather than having to pay more than what it is worth and putting up with the hassle.

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