Can Stress Cause Baldness – Hair Loss Part 5

    "I Want Healthy Hormones & Hair Growth"

    So far you’ve learned that men who are losing their hair, typically have

    What’s The “Opposite” Of Testosterone?

    Now, before I start today’s article… let me ask you a question: What hormone do you think is the opposite” of Testosterone?

    When I ask this question, most people will say “estrogen”.

    Which is incorrect.

    Actually, the opposite of testosterone is your stress hormone, cortisol!

    This is a MAJOR problem and causing factor for almost everything related to aging, especially as it pertains to hair loss.

    Cortisol & Stress

    As this stress hormone goes up, your testosterone drops faster than a brick in your swimming pool.

    And this is nature’s way of preventing you from “procreating” and having babies.

    Based on thousands of years of evolution, your body thinks that because you are under a lot of stress, there must be a shortage of food or shelter

    …or some other problem which can cause death.

    Thus, it’s not the best time for you to have babies.

    So as cortisol levels go up, your testosterone drops and so does your sex drive.


    Additionally, stress causes inflammation in the body.

    And inflammation, known in pattern balding as perifollicular inflammation, plays a significant, perhaps the most significant role in hair loss.

    Not only does it cause major hormonal imbalances, but it also signals your body to produce various “hair loss” causing factors, enzymes, peptides and so forth.

    Again, I want to keep things simple since I know most of us don’t care about the boring medical stuff.

    What we want are more head hair, better testosterone, and a higher sex drive.

    How To Reduce Cortisol

    So, how do we reduce cortisol?

    • Sleep as much as your body requires. Thus, don’t wake up to an alarm clock every day. If you’re sleep-deprived, go to bed earlier.



    • Eat 5-6 small meals daily to balance your blood sugar, which helps lower cortisol.


    • Make sure you do something every day to relax, your own personal “hour of power”. That may be going for a walk outside, getting a massage, meditating, stretching, watching something funny, or even taking a quick nap.


    • Take cortisol-reducing supplements – such as 3000 mg of Vitamin C daily, Ashwagandha extract, Rhodiola, and Phosphatidylserine.



    So now you know that your goal is to

    • Increase your testosterone
    • Lower your DHT
    • Lower your Estrogen
    • And decrease stress hormones such as cortisol

    As you balance these hormones, you’ll see dramatic improvements in your health, testosterone, and hair loss.

    By the way, there’s one other problem with stress hormones – they screw around with your thyroid levels, which causes hair loss and fat again… and that’s what I’ll quickly cover in my next article.

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