Low Testosterone Can Cause Hair Loss Or Balding – Hair Loss Part 2

    "I Want Healthy Hormones & Hair Growth"

    As I stated in the previous article, men who are losing their hair typically have lower testosterone levels.

    And it’s no coincidence that a man’s testosterone peaks in his early 20s and start to drop in his late 20s.

    And, this is also the time most men start to see hair loss.


    Low Testosterone Is The Problem

    By age 40, there’s a big drop in testosterone and at the same time, a big increase in hair loss and extra body hair.

    And sadly, it only gets worse as you age.

    However, the next big problem is prostate health problems

    And guess what, men who have prostate problems have LOW testosterone.

    Do you see a pattern?…

    How To Increase Your Testosterone

    So your goal is to increase your testosterone levels and decrease the “negative” hormones, which I’ll get to during this series.

    So how do you increase testosterone levels naturally?..

    1. Lift weights. But only about 3-4x weekly and less than 1 hour at a time. Thus, you only need 4 hours total a week. Too much causes a DROP in testosterone.Weightlifting
    2. Keep intense cardio to a minimum because it lowers testosterone and increases negative hormones. Thus, no running, jogging, biking. A brisk walk for 30 mins daily is great.
    3. Eat more healthy fats, natural fats in the raw form. Eat raw nuts, seeds, egg yolks, grass feed butter, macadamia nut oil, avocados and coconut oil. Do NOT heat your oils. Don’t cook with them. Don’t eat any of the typical “supermarket” oils.
    4. Get more sleep and rest. This is when you produce your good hormones and reduce the bad ones. Take a short nap if you can. Set time aside daily to rest for 20-30 min – even if it’s meditation or listening to relaxing music.
    5. Take herbs and vitamins that are clinically proven to increase your “total” and “free” testosterone levels… such as Horny Goat Weed Extract (20% Icarrin), Avena Sativa Extract (10:1), Longjack Extract (Eurycoma 100:1) and Vitamin D3.

    Herbal Supplements

    These are five, clinically proven solutions that you can implement right away to see improvements in how you look and feel.

    Next Challenge – KEEPING It High

    However, increasing your testosterone is just the start.

    The real challenge is to KEEP it high and prevent it from dropping.

    With that said, let’s continue with the most well-known hair loss hormone, DHT.

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