đŸ„€ Natural Viagra – Can You Really Make It At Home In 2024?

    So the other day I got an email from one of my YouTube subscribers asking if it’s possible to make Natural Viagra at home. He wrote:

    “Dr. Sam
 I just saw a video on YouTube about making natural Viagra at home using only 2 ingredients. But is this even possible or is more BS lies? Ever since I’ve been watching your videos and taking your advice, my libido is much higher, my testosterone has almost doubled and my erections are a lot harder. However, I wouldn’t mind getting an “extra boost” from home-made Viagra
 know what I mean doc 😉 Please watch the video and let me know your thoughts”

    So of course, I immediately thought, “yes, more lies and misinformation”. But I decided to check out the video, maybe I can learn something.

    When I saw the video, I was shocked to see there were MILLIONS of views in just a few short months. So either this stuff really works or it’s just some horrible scam.

    Well, to make a long story short and save you time, the video stated that all you needed was some watermelon and lemon juice.

    watermelon and lemon natural viagra

    Sadly, the video had NO audio or explanation. Just mix the two ingredients together – watermelon and lemon juice – into a 2 cup drink (16oz/1 liter) and drink it daily.

    Unfortunately, it gave no explanation of why/how this would work. And to me, it made no sense.

    What I Found Out About “Natural Viagra”?

    When I dug deeper, the video was made by some young Asian girl in China

    I mean, how is she ever going to know about any of this, right?

    I then decided to read through the hundreds of comments posted by YouTube viewers. Of course, to no surprise – everyone was pissed about how the info was fake and a waste of time.

    However, ONE person did say that the reason this *could* work is that watermelon has an amino acid called “L-Citrulline”, which helps improve blood flow to the penis by increasing Nitric Oxide (NO) levels. 
 “similar to how Viagra works”.

    This is partially correct

    Actually, the fact is that L-Citrulline converts to another amino acid called L-Arginine and that’s how your body increases blood flow with higher Nitric Oxide levels.

    However, to really make this work – you’d have to ingest like 5 watermelons daily to get the required 10-15 GRAMS (10,000+ milligrams) of L-Citrulline.

    five watermelons

    So, this is a major flaw with this video because nobody is going to eat this much watermelon, let alone daily.

    So, that’s problem #1.

    It’s much easier to just take L-Citrulline and Arginine in supplement powder form — which by the way, tastes like crap!!!

    Problem #2 that most people don’t know is that when you take L-Citrulline and/or Arginine, your Prolactin levels ALSO increase.


    Prolactin is a female hormone. It goes up after birth to produce milk to feed the baby.

    In men and in women, prolactin causes:

    • breasts to grow (man-boobs!)
    • it lowers testosterone
    • it causes zits
    • and hair loss/balding 

    • AND it decreases sex drive and causes impotence!!!

    Yes, you heard that correctly!!!

    Initially, it MAY increase blood flow when used at the correct higher dosage. But after the increase in Nitric Oxide and also some growth hormone, your body then does the OPPOSITE by increasing the female hormone, Prolactin. 1-3

    This is why I tell people to NOT take Citrulline and Arginine unless you only do so like 2-3x weekly at the most — Or else you’re going to increase your Prolactin, which lowers your testosterone, causes balding, lowers your libido, and causes impotence.

    Obviously, this isn’t what we want.


    So, there you have it – another scam.

    Now, recently I did an article about a natural alternative to Viagra. You can read that article through the link I just gave you.

    More importantly, I’ve also listed a link to one of my favorite, scientifically proven solutions for naturally boosting your testosterone AND increasing your sex drive and erections.

    The benefit here is that you’ll never need Viagra because you’ll feel and perform like you used to when you were in your late teens and early 20s because of the higher testosterone levels.

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1249182
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10739497
    3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002937800800046
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