7 Scary Signs That You Have Low Testosterone & Under Performing Testicles In 2024

    It’s 2024 and most guys don’t realize that they have “low” testosterone. Yes, even guys in their 20’s… and certainly men in their 40’s and beyond.

    Statistics clearly show that men’s testosterone is at an all-time low in history, half of what they were over 100 years ago.1

    Sadly the lowering of testosterone starts as early as your mid 20’s.

    However, what’s really bad is that you’ll look and feel “older”, go to the doctor, do a blood test and he’ll say “oh, it’s fine… you’re in the ‘normal range” and then off you go with no solution.

    The problem is that this “normal range” is very big: 250 ng/dL to 1100 ng/dL … If you fall anywhere in between, you’re considered “normal”.

    However, there’s a BIG difference between “normal” and OPTIMAL, right?

    It’s just like making money….

    Maybe the normal yearly salary is $50K … But what if you could easily make $250K a year, simply by making some small changes in your lifestyle?

    And that’s what you’ll discover at the end of today’s article, just ONE small change and you can double or triple your testosterone!

    However, I first want to reveal 7 warning signs that you have suboptimal and most likely, “lowtestosterone.

    And I say “warning signs” because low testosterone … or “not optimal” testosterone levels as I like to call it, is directly linked to many health alilments2:

    • High Cholesterol
    • High Blood sugar
    • Low Thyroid
    • High Blood pressure
    • Memory loss
    • Prostate problems
    • Joint Pain
    • Muscle Loss & Weakness
    • etc

    Simply stated, low testosterone is causing you to age faster.

    So I’m going to quickly list the top 7 signs that you have low testosterone and then one of my favorite, natural solutions.

    1 -Low Sex Drive / Libido

    One of the biggest signs is that you have low libido. This includes physical and/or emotional drive.

    So, don’t think it’s just limited to erectile dysfunction or a physical “urge”.

    The lack of emotional “desire” is also a sign because your brain has lots of testosterone receptors.

    2 -Depression or Feeling “Unmotivated”

    Like I said, your brain has testosterone receptors also and thus, low testosterone leads to a lack of drive in life, not just sex.

    You’re not as motivated, and you’re more irritable and “grumpy”.5

    You might have more anxiety or feel down or depressed at times.

    Basically, you feel “blah” and don’t want to do much or socialize.

    low testosterone

    3 –Muscle Loss

    I’m sure you already know that testosterone plays a big role in muscle size.

    If you are exercising and not gaining muscle… or you’re slowly losing muscle each year, then you have low testosterone.

    Also to a lesser degree, loss of strength is also an indicator of low Testosterone.3

    4 -Increase Body Fat

    Low testosterone is also a big indicator of higher body fat, especially unhealthy belly fat and “love handles”.

    And if you’re starting to get “man boobs”, then for sure you have low T and higher estrogen.

    5 – Fatigue

    Have you ever noticed that men typically require less sleep than women? Well, testosterone plays a big role here.

    And if you are tired and need naps and can barely get through the day, let alone have the energy to exercise or do much of anything else – then you probably have low testosterone.

    6 – Memory Loss

    Again, remember that the brain has many receptors for “sex hormones” such as testosterone, cortisol, estrogen, and other female hormones.

    However, what’s interesting is that your brain’s memory centers are loaded with testosterone receptors.4

    So if you seem to be forgetful and are worried about memory problems later in life, then you better improve your testosterone levels.

    7 – Accelerated Aging (hair loss, wrinkles, etc.)

    Have you ever noticed how some “older” men just look younger than someone their same age — better skin, more head hair, and so forth?

    This is because testosterone is a “youth” hormone and it plays a very important role in skin and hair production.

    Most people erroneously believe that hair loss is due to having “high” testosterone — however, the opposite is true — it’s from low testosterone.


    IF “high” testosterone was the reason, then all the teenagers and guys in their 20’s would be bald, but that’s obviously NOT the case, right?

    Testosterone also improves skin collagen and elasticity, joint health, and prostate size.

    So if you’re starting to look older than your age, time to increase your testosterone.


    There you have it – 7 warning signs that you probably have low testosterone.

    It’s great to do a full blood test panel with all of our hormones… But, your doctor probably won’t give you such a test and getting it on your own can be expensive.

    The “warning signs” I gave you today, is a good indicator if your testosterone levels are “optimal” or not.

    The MOST IMPORTANT thing is how you look and feel, right?

    What you need to do is to improve your testosterone naturally, which can be done easily and effectively.

    1. http://www.urologyhealth.org/urologic-conditions/low-testosterone-(hypogonadism)
    2. https://www.webmd.com/men/what-low-testosterone-can-mean-your-health#1
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5031462/
    4. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2004/10/27/low-testosterone-linked-with-memory-loss.html
    5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3770847/
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