Best Exercise For Prostate Health, Incontinence & Improving Erections

    Today I’m going to discuss a very important topic for anyone who is concerned about their prostate, as well as erectile problems.

    I’m going to discuss the #1 exercise that will help improve your prostate health, enhance urinary flow, improve incontinence, and enhance your erection strength and size.

    prostate health

    The best part is you can do this simple exercise anywhere, any time, and it won’t cost you anything – it’s totally free.

    My Personal Story

    Now, I tend to keep my personal life private. I’m not here to burden you with my problems. However, today I’m going to share something that’s recently happened to my family.

    A couple of months ago, my father’s doctor decided to give him a new medication that I didn’t know about. Within a few days, my dad started to feel weaker. In the process, one day he actually ended up falling backward, cracked his skull, and was rushed to the emergency room.

    My dad had internal bleeding and massive inflammation in his brain.

    Here’s a picture of him. He’s 90 years old.


    He was in a coma for a few days, then stayed in the ICU for another week, then continued to stay at the hospital for another 2-3 weeks. Then he went to rehab, so he can learn to walk again and communicate.

    And thank goodness, he finally has come home just recently.

    It’s been a very draining time for the entire family – time, emotions, money, etc.

    However, I’m sharing this story with you because the entire time, my dad has had a catheter in him, since he wasn’t able to move, go to the restroom, and urinate.

    If you didn’t know, a catheter goes into the urethra (penis hole), into the bladder, and basically extracts urine into a bag. This is because my dad couldn’t move for a few weeks.


    Every time we tried to remove the catheter, he wasn’t able to urinate on his own. He was in tremendous pain.

    Basically, his muscles had gotten very weak after 2 months of non-use because he had a catheter in him the entire time.

    Additionally, his prostate had grown during this time, making it even more difficult to urinate.

    At this point, he had tears in his eyes and said how he is of no use and doesn’t feel like a man. He has to now use a cane and has a bag of urine attached to his leg.

    It was heartbreaking to see the aging process. I felt really bad at this point. I felt helpless. I knew he would get better, but when, or how long will it take?

    How I Helped My Dad

    So I decided to give my dad some supplements to reduce prostate size and inflammation.

    However, more importantly, I had my dad do kegel exercises, to help strengthen the muscles below the bladder that help control urination.

    kegel exercise

    I explained to him how to do the kegel exercises and at this point, he was willing to try anything.

    After just one week, we went back to the doctor to remove the catheter and see if my dad was able to urinate on his own this time. Guess what – he did!

    It was great news and you can see it in my dad’s smile.

    He did wear an adult diaper for a few days, just to be safe. But he just stopped doing that as well.

    Improvement In One Week

    Of course, I can’t say for sure if it was time, the supplements, or the kegel exercises that caused the big improvements in just one week. But I really do believe the Kegels were a big factor because it helps strengthen the muscles around the bladder, prostate, and pelvic floor.

    Kegels have lots of benefits. Today’s was about the benefits for the prostate and improving urinary flow.

    But Kegels are fantastic for helping with erectile problems as well.

    With that said, I did make another article about this topic. It’s entitled #1 Exercise For Preventing Erectile Dysfunction & Improving Your Performance In The Bedroom.

    Take a look at the article right now, get all the details, dos, and don’ts about Kegels and improve your “manhood” and be the best that you can be!

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