Cialis Vs Viagra: Don’t Use Either Until You See This! (2024)

    One thing I’ve realized since making my blog is that there are LOTS of guys dealing with erectile problems. So if you’re reading this, know that you are NOT alone.

    Daily I get questions about this topic and often, I feel bad because there are natural solutions that can really fix erectile issues, permanently and that’s why I’ve done so many articles about this topic.

    Not only is a good erection a key indicator of good physical health, but also good emotional health. Because having erectile problems NEGATIVELY affects your confidence and your relationships.

    And because of this, one of the most popular videos I’ve made was revealing the #1 Natural Alternative To Cialis and #1 Natural Alternative To Viagra — these two drugs being the best-selling and most popular Erectile Dysfunction (ED) medications.

    Once this article was released, I got hundreds and thousands of questions and comments, from some of the most popular beings:

    1. What’s the main difference between these two drugs?
    2. Which one works better?
    3. Which is safer?
    4. What are the side effects?
    5. How can I reduce or eliminate the negatives?
    6. Why do they not work in over 40% of people, especially older guys that need it the most?
    7. How can I make them work better?
    8. Do natural alternatives even exist and if “yes”, do they work?

    There were a lot more, but these kept repeating over and over again.

    So, I thought it’s best that I make a quick article about these top questions, so you don’t waste your time or money. Most importantly, you’re safe and also get maximum results.

    How Do They Work?

    As a reminder, both Cialis and Viagra are phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. When sexually stimulated, both of these drugs increase the flow of blood to the penis, which in turn causes an erection in the penis… for most men.


    Please note that both of these drugs do not increase sexual desire – physically or emotionally. Only testosterone does this and I’ll tell you more about this in a couple of minutes.

    What’s The Difference Between Cialis & Viagra?

    There are two differences and one MAIN one – which is the half-life of these drugs. Thus, how quickly they work and then stop working.

    Viagra works quickly, in about 30-60 minutes. The half-life is about 4 hours and thus, it basically stops working in about 6-8 hours. The main peak is in about 1-2 hours.

    Cialis is longer acting. It takes about 1-2 hours to kick in and has a half-life of about 16 hours. So, it peaks in about 8 hours and the effects stop in about 36 hours.

    One other difference is that Viagra has to be taken on an empty stomach, while Cialis can be taken with food – even though, it does work better on an empty stomach — in fact, most drugs do.

    Which One Works Better?

    It all depends on your goal. If you’re fairly certain you’re about to have sex, then Viagra is your choice. It’ll kick in quickly, you’ll do your job and it’ll be out of your system in a few hours.

    ED-Medication cialis viagra

    But if you’re not sure and you don’t want to time it, or you’re going away for the weekend or something similar, then Cialis would be ideal. Just take it a few hours before you may have sex and if it happens, then it’s already in your system.

    NOTE: Keep in mind something very important, these drugs do NOT work in about 40% of people and actually stop working after a while. This is because they do NOTHING to fix the original cause of the problem – which is low testosterone and hormonal imbalances.

    Ironically, the older you get, the less these drugs work because your hormones keep getting worse. So, you MUST fix your hormones first and you won’t even need these drugs or they will work much better at a lower dose.

    Which Is Safer – Cialis or Viagra?

    Well, they both have the same side effects because they both do the same thing, inhibit the PDE-5 enzyme.

    The most common problems are:

    • sinus pain and pressure
    • nausea
    • diarrhea
    • headaches
    • blurred vision
    • upset stomach
    • flushing of the face
    • low blood pressure
    • abnormal ejaculation

    They also cause stress on your kidney and liver. If you’ve had a heart attack or stroke or a family history of either, you shouldn’t take them.

    viagra side effects

    Also, if you have high or low blood pressure, don’t take these drugs.

    In fact, I have a friend and his wife who were trying to get pregnant and after trying so many times, he needed some help. He took just half a Viagra and his wife found him passed out on the bathroom floor because his blood pressure dropped too low.

    And this happens often.

    Additionally, the more you use these drugs, the less they work, and hence, it’s even harder to get an erection naturally, without these drugs.

    To me, this is a major negative.

    Is There Any Way To Reduce The Negative Side-Effects?

    Yes, you use them less often and at a lower dose. But then, they’ll work even less.

    This is the problem with drugs and the fact they’re designed to reduce the symptoms, but NEVER to fix the real, underlying cause.

    This again, is to improve your hormones by increasing your “pro-sexual” hormones, such as total testosterone and free testosterone, and neurotransmitters such as Dopamine. While also reducing negative hormones such as female and stress hormones.

    How Can I Make Viagra & Cialis Work Better?

    First, taking either on an empty stomach is best, especially Viagra.

    However, by improving your hormones, these drugs work better, and thus, even a lower dose is needed, which also means fewer negatives.

    In fact, this is why these drugs work so much better in younger guys in their 20s. While working less the older you get.

    Why Do They Not Work In Over 40% Of Users?

    Well, not all drugs work for every person. But the main reason is again, you need the raw materials for sex drive and libido – both emotional, mental, and physical drive – and that’s having optimal hormones and higher total and free testosterone levels.

    Young guys have this and that’s why these drugs work better. But starting in your 30s, your hormones have really dropped.

    By 40s and 50s, you’re barely producing 50% of the hormones you need to have a good sex drive.

    A guy in his 60s who really needs these drugs usually gets only the negative effects and barely any positives – even at the max dose.

    Why?… because he has low testosterone!

    Fix the hormones and you fix your erections.

    Are There Natural Alternatives To Viagra and Cialis?

    Not until recently. There’s a rare herb that most people don’t know about and it’s very hard to get and expensive to produce. It’s called Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa containing 35% Piperazine extract. It’s an herbal, PDE-5 inhibitor.

    Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa

    It’s not as strong as Viagra or Cialis, but it does work at the correct dose.

    You also want to take ingredients that increase your Nitric Oxide levels, which increases blood to your penis.

    However, you again need to make sure your hormones are balanced and optimal, or else none of these will work correctly or long-term.


    1. Viagra and Cialis are both PDE-5 inhibitors and work the same.
    2. Viagra has a much shorter half-life.
    3. They have similar side effects.
    4. The more you use them, the less they work.
    5. In order to make them work better and increase your sex drive permanently, you need to increase your testosterone levels and optimize your hormonal balance.

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