❗ Doctor Reveals How To Be a SHOWER, Not A Grower In 2024

    Is your penis a shower or a grower?

    And the other question is, can you change it since most people would like to be a shower as it makes a good first impression before you have sex or if you’re just walking around the locker room naked or whatever.

    And regardless of where you are, we all want a penis that performs better – and thus, you’re able to get harder, fuller and bigger erections.

    Regardless of whether you’re a grower or a shower.

    I’ll get into all of this in more detail today which you’ll discover how to:

    • Become more of a SHOWER than a grower
    • Walk around with a bigger, fuller flaccid penis – so you’ll make a more impressive first impression and feel more confident.
    • Over time, you can even grow your penis – in both length and girth
    • You’ll also discover how to increase your libido and sex drive and help fix erectile problems.

    My Personal Experience

    Simply stated, if you’re a grower and hence, your flaccid, un-erect penis is much smaller, it makes you feel insecure. Less manly. Especially if it’s the first time you lady has seen it.

    So, let’s see if we can fix that in today’s video so you become a shower AND you’ll get harder, fuller, and bigger erections.

    As far as myself, I guess I’m a shower.

    Before this video, I did a quick measurement and I was almost 5 inches, 4.8 to be exact. That’s almost 12.5 cm for you the non-US people.

    This is flaccid. Not hard or erect.

    shower or grower

    However, if I think back to my younger days in my teenage and 20’s, I don’t think I was a shower. I think I was more of a GROWER.

    In fact, I remember in the 9th grade when I was 14 years old. I was in the shower after a basketball game.

    I was always a little shy about showering in front of other guys. Anyway, I do remember that this one guy kept pulling and tugging at his penis, to stretch it out… I guess to make it look bigger or longer around the other guys.

    I thought it was odd.

    Now, thinking back, I guess he wanted to feel more secure. I don’t know…

    As far as myself – I’m sure all the changes I’ve made over the years, with the supplements I’ve taken, the hormone optimizations I’ve made, and the penis exercises I’ve done… I’ve slowly turned into a SHOWER.

    I’ve also put on more sizes down there as well – length and girth.

    What Defines A Penis Shower vs A Grower

    Well, if we use research, a 2018 study involving 274 males found that age played a role in whether participants were a growers or a showers.

    I’ll talk about the age difference in a minute…

    The researchers defined a grower as having a flaccid to erect penile length increase of 4 centimeters (about 1.5 inches) or more, while an increase of less than 4 cm indicated that a person was a shower.

    So to summarize – if your flaccid penis grew 4 cm/1.5 in or more, you’re a GROWER.

    But if the penis grew less than 4 cm/1.5 in to get erect, you’re a SHOWER.

    shower or grower

    I honestly don’t know how they come up with the specific 4 cm cut off. But, that’s what the criteria was for this study.

    Well, based on this research, I’m a grower because I also grow more than 4 cm or 1.5 inches.

    This was confusing for me because I guess I’m a shower that’s also a grower? I’m not sure…

    Regardless of what this study states, I think most guys want to be a SHOWER.

    You don’t want a turtle dick that’s hiding.

    Now, in that same study of 274 participants, 26% were growers, while 74% were showers.

    So, if you’re smaller and a grower, you’re not alone – about 25% of people are. Especially younger people.

    What Determines Whether You’re Penis Is A Shower or a Grower?

    The erectile tissue of the penis comprises

    • elastic fibers
    • collagen
    • smooth muscles
    • arteries and veins

    All of these allow the penis to become erect.

    However, with age, the penis can lose tissue elasticity, which may affect how it stretches.

    Thus, based on this 2018 study, as you age, you become more of a SHOWER, rather than a grower.

    Your penis is just hanging longer due to gravity, because of less collagen and elastic fibers and so forth.

    However, aging also SHRINKS the penis.

    Lower testosterone, higher estrogen/cortisol ratios to testosterone, lower growth factors such as growth hormone, and poor blood flow, slowly decrease the size of the penis – in both length and girth.

    If that’s not bad enough, not only does the penis shrink as you age, but you also don’t get as hard of an erection and that further makes the penis look and feel smaller.

    Other Factors For Shrinkage

    Aging and lowered hormone levels cause shrinkage. However, there are other factors, such as:

    Temperature: As every guy knows, cold temperatures or water shrinks the penis temporarily.

    Stress: Stress and the rise in cortisol and adrenalin cause shrinkage too. Fight-or-flight causes vasoconstriction and lowered blood flow. Not only does the penis shrink during times of stress, it’s much more difficult to get an erection.

    How Can You Become a SHOWER, Rather Than A GROWER?

    Like I said, most guys want to be bigger – whether that’s being erect or even flaccid.

    So, let me give you some suggestions on how to be MORE of a shower and look bigger.

    Lose Weight

    If you have a fat belly and extra fat in the pubic region, your penis will look smaller.

    belly fat vs abs

    I remember years ago I consulted a guy who did penis enlargement exercises. He grew his penis from 6.5 inches to almost 10 inches.

    This took him almost 4 years. He was obsessed with it and would do the penis exercises daily, sometimes up to 2-3 hours a day.

    I give you more details about how he did this in my free Penis Enlargement Email Course.

    He said how much more confident he was, how his wife liked it more, etc.

    However, he told me that because he was so overweight and had a big belly, his 10-inch penis didn’t look that big and wasn’t as impressive.

    Eventually, he stopped doing the penis exercises, his penis did shrink back down to 9 inches.

    However, he got serious about his health and also lost 40 lbs of fat and he said that with the lower body fat, his 9-inch penis looked bigger than when it was 10 inches.

    Additionally, being fat increases estrogen levels and decreases testosterone, which will indirectly shrink the penis muscle over time.

    Trim The Hair

    Just like body fat, a big pushy pubic hair is going to hide the penis. Trim the pubic hair really short or even buzz it.

    manscaping shower

    Not only will the penis automatically look bigger. It’ll look cleaner, well-kept, and more aesthetic and pleasing to your partner.

    This isn’t the 70’s, so do some manscaping…

    Increase Testosterone

    Research has shown that as your testosterone levels drop as you age, the penis does shrink.

    And, as you get older, estrogen levels do the opposite and they increase as do stress hormones.

    This combination shrinks the penis, decreases your sex drive, and causes erectile problems.

    So not only should your goal be to increase and maximize your testosterone levels. However, you ALSO want to lower elevated estrogen levels and stress hormones.

    I’ve made a ton of videos about increasing your testosterone and optimizing your hormones.

    I do have a free email course about this as well.

    Plus, you can take a supplement called AlphaViril – which I’ve been taking for almost 25 years. It does all of the testosterone boosting and hormone optimizing, naturally.

    Do Penis Exercises

    Lastly, doing penis exercises, especially when combined with higher testosterone levels, will increase the length and girth of your penis.

    Doing them daily will also cause your penis to hang longer and fuller, most of the day, and thus, you become a SHOWER, instead of a grower.

    This is all similar to working out at the gym. Exercise + high testosterone levels = bigger muscles.

    penis exercises


    It’s the combination of the two. Without the testosterone, you’ll have girl muscle sizes.

    Additionally, by doing these exercises, you’ll increase blood flow to the penis, so it’ll look more “pumped” and fuller, most of the day.

    Similar to working out at the gym and your biceps look bigger for a couple of hours after you leave the gym.

    Add in a supplement such as Blood Flow Optimizer to maximize the circulation to the penis, and now you have a winning formula.

    It’s all about the hormones and blood flow when it comes to the penis and muscle growth.


    Genetics, hormones, and age are important factors between penis growers vs showers.

    As you age, due to gravity and lower elastin, your penis will tend to hang more and appear to be more of a shower.

    However, aging and the drop in testosterone levels, coupled with the rise in estrogen levels and stress hormones, can cause the penis to shrink.

    The 4 best ways to give the elusion that you are a SHOWER and over time become a shower are

    • Lose belly fat
    • Trim the pubic hair
    • Increase your testosterone levels, while lower excess estrogen and stress hormones
    • Do penis exercises
    • Increase blood flow to the penis.

    Now it’s up to you to actually TAKE ACTION.

    Don’t be the majority who just watches and does nothing. You’ll never achieve any goals doing that.

    Be the successful 5% that takes action on this valuable information.

    You’ll be happier, more confident, and healthier too – in and out of the bedroom.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide