Today, I have a very important article you need to read, which will make a huge difference in your life. I’ve gotten a ton of questions about this and finally decided to make a detailed article about it, so you’ll have clarity and hope.
I’m going to reveal the difference between normal vs optimal testosterone levels in men.
You’ll discover:
- Why 99% of all blood tests done by doctors are incorrect and worthless
- What hormones and imbalances cause a decrease in your testosterone levels
- How to make quick improvements, rebalance, optimize, and even fix your hormones, naturally
This is especially important considering that in the past 50-100 years, we are producing far LESS testosterone than we used to.
And the decline is starting earlier, in your mid-20s and it’s falling faster and faster.
However, the good news is that you CAN have higher testosterone levels, which can cause:
- An increase in muscle mass, size, and strength
- Decrease body fat, especially around the belly and “love handles”
- Higher sex drive and harder, bigger erections
- More energy and stamina
- Better memory and cognition
- Much higher drive and motivation
- Decrease aging
And simply stated, you’ll look and feel younger. And all of this works at any age, young or old.
I’ll also share with you my own personal experience with low testosterone when I was only 19 years old. However, before I share that interesting story, let’s first start with:
What’s The “Normal” Range
Let’s start from the beginning with today’s topic – What IS the normal range for testosterone levels for guys and more importantly, what are the optimal, best, and most ideal numbers you should have, regardless of your age?
Assuming you do a hormonal blood test and not saliva, the numbers will vary from one lab to the next, US versus international…
However, the basic numbers will be in the range of 300 – 1000 ng/dL.
Unfortunately, the regular, uninformed, and lazy doctor will only do a blood test for testosterone levels. And if it falls BELOW 300, they will then diagnose you with “hypogonadal” and thus, you have “Low Testosterone”.
A slightly more educated doctor will allow a little more flexibility in the range and will say you have low testosterone if your levels are below 350-400 ng/dL or that this could be a potential concern.
Of course, what time of the DAY you do your blood test matters, how you slept, stress levels, and other hormones all affect your results and can give you inaccurate numbers, which I’ll talk about in future articles.
I’ll tell you in a minute what will be optimal levels. However, let’s first talk about the problem with the blood test, to begin with.
The Problem With Your Doctor & The Blood Tests
As stated earlier, most blood tests are worthless.
Your doctor will typically do only a “total” testosterone level. Maybe if you’re lucky, he’ll also do a “free” testosterone level and also measure your Sex hormone-binding Globulin (SHBG).
Think of your “total testosterone” as similar to the total income you make each year. While your “free” testosterone levels are more like your NET income – the money you have AFTER taxes and so forth.
Thus, both are important. However, your free testosterone level is more valuable because this is what’s available and more biologically active.
Other IMPORTANT Hormones That Affect Your Testosterone Levels
However, let’s just say your testosterone level was low or not where it should be. What’s the cause of it?
Your doctor has no idea because he didn’t ALSO check other important hormones that all affect your testosterone levels. And these would be:
- Estradiol (sensitive version) – this is the most important form of estrogen, which if it’s too high, causes fat gain, moodiness, depression, and gynecomastia (man-boobs)
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – This is your “hair loss” hormone that tends to cause many of the negative effects of testosterone. If this is high, you’ll start to be bald and have excess body hair.
- Cortisol – is one of the most potent stress hormones. This will cause lots of problems, such as belly fat, muscle loss, high blood sugar, water retention, high blood pressure, and so on, and so forth.
If any of these hormones are high, your testosterone will be lower. If all are high, then you’ve got some major problems.
On a side note: there are a few other hormones to check for, such as Prolactin, DHEA, Progesterone, Pregnenolone, thyroid, and others. These are important, but secondary to the 3 mentioned earlier.
Now, at the bottom of this article, I’ve got 2 important links you should take a look at, which will reveal how to naturally raise your testosterone levels and also optimize these hormones with a solution that I’ve been using myself for over 20 years.
However, don’t go there just yet. Let me continue with my own personal story about all of this and why I became an endocrinology, “hormone” doctor.
My Personal Story & Struggles With Low Testosterone
Let me continue with a personal story. At the age of 19, I felt something was just off. I had a hard time building muscle and losing fat. I had puffy nipples. I was even starting to notice a little bit of hair loss.
Obviously, none of this was good.
Since I was already very much into the body, hormones, and so forth… I went to my doctor to do a full hormone blood test. He refused at first, saying there was no need.
But I was persistent and he finally gave in.
Well, when the results came back, I knew I was right. I don’t remember the exact numbers since that was almost 30 years ago.
However, I clearly remember that:
- Testosterone was around 350. This was normal but low. Remember, the range is between 300-1000 ng/dL
- Estradiol (estrogen) was normal but high!
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) was normal but high!
And there it was, crystal clear why I was having all of these problems.
Honestly, I was super excited. I was right. I had evidence of the problem. Now I needed to go fix it.
However, the stupid doctor argued with me when I told him all of this.
He said, “no, everything is fine… you’re within the “normal” ranges”
But I protested and said, “okay, but NONE of this is in the OPTIMAL range. Besides, I’m young, only 19 years old. This is as good as it’s going to get and it SUCKS! Things are only going to get worse as I get older”
He shrugged his shoulders and said, “well, you’ll deal with that later. Right now, you’re fine and you’re healthy and young. Stop being so obsessive about things that don’t matter”
Well, this just pissed me off even more.
I also felt helpless and hopeless. “Why doesn’t he want to help me?”, I thought.
I guess as with any bad thing, there’s also something good because that entire situation changed the trajectory and direction of my life. This was the primary reason I decided to be an endocrinologist, a “hormone” doctor.
So I can fix my body and also help others. So I can give hope to those who are also struggling with health problems, most of which are hormone-related.
Fortunately, my so-called “obsessiveness”, or what I call PASSION, turned that dream into a reality and I’m fortunate and grateful that I get to help thousands and millions of people around the world because of the internet.
And as stated earlier, I’ve got two very important links at the bottom that will help fix all of these hormonal problems for you.
What Are Optimal Testosterone Levels
However, I do want to end today’s topic with what should be your optimal testosterone and hormonal levels.
Simply stated, you want your testosterone to be at least 600 ng/dL and I prefer over 800 ng/dL. Remember, the range is between 300-1,000 ng/dL.
I’m almost 50 and my current level is around 900 to as high as 1,200 ng/dL at times. And this is all done naturally with an improved lifestyle and specific supplements, herbs, and vitamins.
Again, all of the “how-to” instructions are found below, at the bottom of this article.
Regardless of your age, you want normal, but high testosterone levels.
Lastly and in many ways, more importantly, you want your “negative, anti-testosterone” hormones to be on the lower, normal levels. This is for your estradiol, DHT and cortisol levels.
By keeping these levels in the optimal and balanced ranges, you’ll age better and help prevent many health problems.
Okay, that’s it for today. This is a very important topic and it’s a little longer than I wanted it to be. But my only goal is to help you and give you clarity.
So read it again, so you’ll get a better understanding.
Help your friends and share this article with them.
And make sure you visit these links below – you’ll discover exactly how to fix and optimize your hormones naturally and the formula I have used over the years.