How To Stop Masturbating & Should You? (2024 update)

    For whatever reason, in 2024,  I get asked a lot of questions about masturbating. And since this blog is about YOU, I do my best to address and discuss the topics you’re most interested in.

    Because of this, I’ve done a couple of articles about masturbating, including one entitled: “WARNING: The Negative Effects Of Masturbation”.

    And if you haven’t already seen that article, you can do so after you read this one.

    I bring this up because I’ve had over a dozen guys asking about that article – “how do I stop masturbating?”.

    Keep in mind that masturbation is normal and it’s not bad for you. However, in the original article, I discussed when and how “too much” masturbation can be unhealthy – for both your body and your personal life.

    Again, you can get the details when you read that original article.

    But today, I want to discuss 3 effective ways that you can stop or more importantly, reduce masturbation.

    Become Aware

    No matter what happens or what I share with you to do today, you FIRST need to become more aware of when you’re focused or obsessed about masturbating.

    You need to become more cognizant and aware of your thoughts, triggers, and actions, as it pertains to masturbating.

    Otherwise, you’ll go back to your old habits.

    Stop Watching Porn

    So, one of the biggest reasons, causes, and/or catalysts for masturbating is watching porn.

    You may be horny and want to masturbate and so forth. However, just going to a porn site or you start watching porn, immediately “puts the wheels in motion” and there’s no stopping it.


    So my suggestion is you stop watching porn. And if you can’t control yourself and know you’re going to go to some porn sites, just get an app on your browser or phone to BLOCK you from allowing you to go to porn sites.

    Here are a few sites with more information about these apps or browser extensions.

    The bottom line here is you need to remove things that bring you temptation to masturbate.

    Get Busy

    One big reason people masturbate or masturbate too much is they’re bored. They have too much time on their hands.

    So, you need to get busy. Go to the gym, exercise, spend time with friends, go for walks, start a new business, go read, and feed your brain.


    Do productive work!

    The bottom line is you need to find a substitute for the time and energy spent on masturbating and put it towards something else that’s productive and betters and improves your life.

    Be Patient

    For some people, stopping something “cold turkey” works. I don’t recommend this when it comes to stopping a drug addiction since you can have very negative physical reactions.

    However, stopping cold turkey with masturbating is an option because there won’t be any negative, physical consequences.

    However, maybe the goal isn’t to stop but to reduce masturbation.

    For example, if you’re doing it every single day, maybe your goal is to reduce it to once or twice weekly. If that’s the case, every week reduces it by one day and in about a month, you’ve gone from 7 times weekly to twice weekly.

    If you’re doing it multiple times daily, every day, then you need to slowly reduce that to once daily, 7x weekly, and then eventually down to 1-2x weekly.

    Again, I’m just using these examples since I don’t know what’s going on in your personal life.

    The bottom line is you can either stop or dramatically reduce masturbation.

    Make a plan and execute it.

    Be patient and don’t punish or shame yourself. Just keep making improvements, so you don’t go back to your old habits.


    So in summary:

    1. Reduce temptation and stop watching porn and going to porn websites. And if you can’t control yourself, get apps that block porn sites.
    2. Boredom is a big cause of masturbating. So get busy, go outside, spend time with friends, go exercise, and get that energy out and keep yourself busy.
    3. Make a plan, execute it, and be patient. Don’t punish or shame yourself. Just keep making improvements.

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