#1 Clinically Proven Way To Immediately Increase Your Testosterone, Naturally!

    Hey guys… if you don’t already know, increasing your testosterone is the KEY to

    • Having more muscle and strength
    • Less body and belly fat
    • Higher sex drive
    • More energy
    • Happier mindset
    • Better cognition and memory
    • Less risk for health problems

    … simply stated, one of the best ways to live a happier and longer life is to have optimal testosterone levels.

    And there are lots of ways to increase or even decrease your testosterone levels.

    However, today I’m going to quickly discuss the #1, clinically proven way that will immediately increase your testosterone levels … literally overnight.

    In fact, most of us are screwing this up and it’s also the #1 way for DECREASING your testosterone.

    Sleep Better

    Now, you’ll notice I said sleep “better”, not necessarily “longer” … Even though most people are sleep deprived and they should ALSO sleep longer.

    Now, Arnold jokes about sleeping and says you should sleep 6 hours a night and if you need more, you should “sleep faster”.

    It’s funny… However, if you DO need to sleep longer than 6 hours … or … you just can’t do it because of your busy schedule…

    At least let me show you how can sleep “better” or “faster” as Arnold says… and thus, get more out of the little amount you do sleep.

    Testosterone & Sleep

    As far as sleep and your testosterone levels — most people don’t realize that the majority of your testosterone and other “repair” hormones is produced during sleep.

    Additionally, less sleep increases your stress hormone, cortisol … which opposes testosterone, and thus, as cortisol rises, your testosterone drops.

    This is why you need to sleep better. And the secret is getting into deep REM sleep (rapid eye movement).

    However, going to bed at the wrong times, eating the wrong foods or drinks, and not having specific vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids will screw up your REM sleep and testosterone production.

    And in regards to how much sleep you need for optimal testosterone levels… studies have shown that men who sleep 4-5 hours on average have 60% to 120% LESS testosterone than men who average 8-9 hours.1,2

    That means by sleeping an extra 3-4 hours, you can literally double your testosterone AND decrease your cortisol levels at the same time.

    7 Clinically Proven Ways To Get Better & Deeper Sleep

    Okay, so let me quickly show you how to instantly get better and deeper sleep, so you can possibly double your testosterone levels.4

    1. Go to bed before midnight. You should actually go to bed around 9:30-10 pm because that’s your body’s natural circadian rhythm, which produces lower cortisol and higher testosterone. If that’s too early, at least get to bed before midnight.
    2. Wear blue-blocker glasses. Bright light and blue light from electronic devices prevent your body from producing melatonin. So dim the lights around your home and wear these orange, blue-blocker glasses an hour or two before bed.
    3. Eat a small, higher-fat meal. One reason your body wakes up in the middle of the night is due to low blood sugar. About an hour or two before bed, have about 200 calories of some kind of protein, healthy fat, and a little bit of fruit to prevent blood sugar issues.
    4. No electronic devices in your bedroom. No wi-fi, cell phones, etc. because the electromagnetic field disrupts sleep quality and brain function.3 If you need an alarm, use a regular alarm clock if possible or use your cell phone, but put it on “airplane” mode.
    5. Sleep in a cold room with no underwear. As your body cools down, you produce more melatonin, the sleep hormone. And your testicles need to be a little cooler than your body temperature to produce optimal testosterone – that’s why no underwear.
    6. Sleep in complete darkness. This means no light, no clock, no nightlight, or anything. Have blackout curtains and wear eyeshades if you can’t make this happen.
    7. Avoid alcohol, caffeine or any stimulants if you can. And don’t exercise too late in the day because that also “stimulates” your nervous system.

    So there you have it – sleep better and more to increase your testosterone levels.

    1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17520786
    2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19684340
    3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15195201
    4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3955336
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