Top 8 Erectile Dysfunction Remedies For 2024

    It’s 2024 and more guys than ever, complain about having erectile problems. And that’s what I’ll be covering today – causes and best solutions.

    Today’s question is from Joseph and he asks

    “What are the top erectile dysfunction remedies? I need something that works quickly, it’s safe for long-term use, and proven!”

    I get a lot of questions about this topic and if you’re watching this video right now, you’re not alone.

    The older a man gets, the worse this problem becomes and it starts as early as his mid 20’s when testosterone levels begin to decline.

    So it’s very important for you to take action NOW, to help it from getting worse and fix it naturally.

    In regards to Joseph’s question, it’s a little vague because there are numerous remedies.


    For example, we have “drug” remedies, such as:

    • Exogenous (outside) testosterone (injections, creams, etc.)
    • PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) inhibitors that increase Nitric Oxide levels (Viagra, Cialis, etc.)

    Unfortunately, these are NOT long-term, safe solutions and should be your LAST resort



    Then we have “diet” remedies.

    • You should have more cholesterol such as whole eggs, which is needed to produce testosterone.
    • You need to eat less protein and soy, because they tend to have high levels of estrogen, which lowers testosterone.
    • A diet higher in fat, about 25% of your calories² also helps increase testosterone.
    • Eliminate processed foods and sugars.

    Diet is important for general health if nothing else.

    Unfortunately, diet changes can take a long time before you see positive results and sadly, most people do NOT stick to this diet long-term.

    That’s why I always start guys on a proven herbal/vitamin solution that’s easy and provides fast results.



    • Lifting heavy weights (6-10 repetitions). But only about 3-4x weekly because too often will do the opposite because it’ll increase your stress hormone, Cortisol
    • Eliminate intense cardio such as running because it lowers testosterone and increases Cortisol

    Just like “diet”, exercise is important for general health.

    Unfortunately, exercise can also take a long time before you see positive results and sadly, most people do NOT stick to a plan long-term.

    Again, that’s why I always start guys on a proven herbal/vitamin solution that’s easy and provides fast results.

    How Life-Style changes your Testosterone Levels


    Lifestyle changes have to do more with stress management and rest. This means:

    • Sleeping more
    • Reducing “negative/angry” thoughts
    • Being positive
    • etc

    Again… very important, but it takes a while to see positive results and most people do not change “bad” habits.

    Supplements – Natural Herbs & Vitamins Help to Increase Testosterone Level

    Most of us are deficient in numerous herbs, vitamins and minerals.

    In fact, it’s estimated that we would need to eat at least 27,575 calories daily¹ to get all the nutrients our bodies need.

    And even HIGHER as we age, due to poor absorption.

    Because of this, I HIGHLY suggest you take specific herbs, vitamins and minerals to help boost your testosterone levels naturally, from within.

    Not only will your libido and sex drive increase, but you’ll feel younger, have more energy, increase your muscle mass and lose belly fat because of the naturally higher testosterone levels.

    And because this all happens naturally from WITHIN your own body, it’s safe for long-term use.

    Clinically Researched Herbs That Help Increase Your Testosterone & Sex Drive

    Some of the most effective and clinically researched herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction and boosting your testosterone are:

    • Testofen® Fenugreek Extract (Trigonella foenum-graecum; 50% fenusides, 50% Saponins)
    • Avena Sativa Extract (Oat Straw 100:1)
    • Tongkat Ali Extract (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack 100:1)
    • Maca Root (6% Extract)
    • Bulgarian Pro-Tribulus™ Terrestris Extract (90% Sapongenins + 40% protodioscin)
    • Stinging Nettle (95% Extract) (Urtica Dioica)
    • L-Arginine
    • Zinc + Copper

    … and actually a few more.

    My suggestion is FOR SURE to improve your diet, start exercising better, and manage your stress levels (sleep better!).

    And to get faster results, with less effort, try an “all-in-one” herbal solution that I’ve been using for 25+ years.

    Which is also why my private clients use as well.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide