What REALLY Causes Erectile Problems? ([curent_year] update)

    Today’s question is from Patrick and he asks

    “What causes erectile problems and impotence? Why haven’t scientists found one permanent cure for this?”


    This is a good question and yeah, you’d think there would be a cure for this by now … just like hair loss or other health issues. But what causes arousal in people, men and especially women… is very complicated and thus, there is never going to be ONE solution because there usually isn’t ONE cause.


    HOWEVER, over the past 20+ years, I’ve seen a common denominator and primary cause … and that has to do with hormonal imbalances.

    As men age, their testosterone begins to decline… starting as early as in his mid 20’s. By age 40, you barely make half of what you used to in your 20’s, and obviously, it only gets worse as you get older.


    What’s important to know is that testosterone is the PRIMARY hormone that controls sex drive, libido and erections… BOTH physically and emotionally! And this is because testosterone interacts with OTHER key “sex” hormones such as:

    • Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
    • Estrogens
    • Progesterone
    • Prolactin
    • LH/FSH
    • Nitric Oxide
    • Cortisol
    • Dopamine and other neurotransmitters in your brain
    • Etc., etc.

    Is It All In Your “Head”?…

    However, there are other factors that ALSO contribute to low libido and erection problems. One of them is your MIND! If you’re under stress — either physical or emotional, that’ll cause problems.


    And what’s interesting is that “stress” causes a DECREASE in your testosterone levels and an increase in your “stress” hormone, cortisol. Again, a HORMONAL issue.


    Another cause is if you’re overweight and eat a lot of junk foods, smoke (marijuana or cigarettes), and drink alcoholAnd the reason for this is because FAT cells produce more estrogen, as does smoking pot and drinking alcohol.

    As estrogen increases, testosterone DROPS! Again, a HORMONAL issue.

    Prescription Drugs & Erectile Problems…

    Another major cause is if you take prescription medications —  for cholesterol, blood pressure, stomach acid, blood thinners, prostate, etc., etc.

    ALL of these drugs cause lowered libido and impotency because, yes… you guessed it — HORMONAL changes.

    Even drugs such as Viagra and Cialis don’t work very well IF your testosterone is too low. In fact, they work MUCH better if your testosterone and hormone levels are optimal.

    Don’t Worry, You’re Not Alone…

    My background is in anti-aging and Endocrinology, which is the study of hormonesSo I’m extremely familiar with this topic and very passionate about it because I want to look and feel young, just like everyone else. And hormonal balance is the secret!

    I’ve helped hundreds and thousands of men over the past 20 years fix this area of their life, naturally and permanently… simply by optimizing their “youth” hormones.

    So, don’t worry… You’re not alone, there’s hope and natural solutions.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide