2 Ways To Instantly Reduce Worry & Negative Thoughts In 2024

    It’s 2024 and statistics show there’s a dramatic increase in worry, hopelessness, “negative thoughts” and sadness.

    People have more now than ever, yet complain more and are less happy.

    I received a question from Sue and she asked

    “I’ve heard how effective ProVanax is for reducing worry, but will it also reduce the “negative thoughts” in my head, especially when I feel anxious or have worry and stress?”

    This is a great question that I think most of us can identify with – the “negative thoughts” or “conversations” that we have in our minds when we feel anxious, insecure… extra worried and stressed, and other negative, “disempowering” emotions.

    Natural Option For Anxious Feelings

    Now, if you don’t know what ProVanax is, this is a natural option designed to reduce feelings of nervousness and worry.

    People feel more mental calmness, relaxation and confidence.

    Basically, it can help improve your mood and allow you to be “happier” because it helps promote healthy hormones and neurotransmitters … such as Dopamine, Serotonin, and cortisol levels.

    So to answer your question, YESProVanax can certainly help reduce your “nervous” feelings, worry, and the “negative thoughts/conversations” in your head…

    It’s All About Focus

    However, only YOU have control over what you CHOOSE TO FOCUS on with your thoughts.

    Over time, your brain has picked up “bad habits” of letting in “bad” or “negative” thoughts, but more so, continually FOCUSING on them throughout the day and thus, GROWING it in your mind… like weeds in a garden.

    Children and animals don’t think like this. This is LEARNED!

    In life, “you get what you focus on” – it’s that simple!

    “Retrain Your Brain”

    So we need to “retrain your brain” and use better habits. Thus, when a negative thought comes in your mind – recognize this and then STOP it. Change it…

    Focus on something else that’s POSITIVE and now, GROW that positive thought.

    Basically, that part of your brain has “flabby muscles” as Arnold would say =)

    How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts

    We need to exercise it more.

    And one of the BEST ways to reduce negative emotions and thoughts is to replace it with an “attitude of gratitude”.

    Now, I know this may sound silly, but keep in mind that your mind can only focus on and hold ONE emotion.

    You can’t be angry AND sad AND happy at the same time

    So the next time an angry or fearful thought gets inside your head, ask yourself what are GRATEFUL for.

    Now, if your brain says “nothing, life sucks… look at all of our problems… stop pretending everything is great”.

    You then need to ask yourself, “okay, IF there COULD be something I can be grateful for, what would it be?…”

    Easier & Faster Results

    When using ProVanax, you’ll have better hormones, neurotransmitters, and so forth, making this process EASIER and FASTER. 

    Less willpower is needed.

    However, NO drug or herb can do what the AMAZING human brain can do. =)

    By the way, fear and anger are negative, “disempowering” thoughts.

    The only way to change a negative thought is to REPLACE it with one of the most positive thoughts in the world and that’s to be GRATEFUL.

    “An attitude of gratitude” causes your brain to stop focusing on the negative and focus on the positive.

    Most people don’t know that your brain can only focus on ONE emotion at a time.

    You cannot be angry and grateful… or fearful and grateful at the same time.

    Let’s choose a POSITIVE emotion to “kill off” the negative. =)

    This will now create GOOD habits and strengthen your “brain muscles” to make better decisions on what to focus on in the future, all day long.

    You can then add in ProVanax during times of extra stress, worry, when things seem to be going wrong, money, relationships, etc.

    ProVanax gives you an extra edge and gets you through the “hard times” faster.

    Your FREE Customized Health Guide