đź”— Is Premature Ejaculation Linked To Low Testosterone? (2024 update)

    Someone commented on a recent article I made… and they asked:

    “Is premature ejaculation linked to or caused by having low testosterone?”

    And I bring this up because I’ve had this question asked many times.

    Additionally, it’s an important topic because it’s been estimated that 20-30% of men worldwide are commonly affected by premature ejaculation.1 In fact, it’s considered one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men.

    And I can honestly say that it’s happened to almost every guy at some point in their life, so it’s also very normal.

    It does typically affect more younger men. However, it easily affects guys of any age, even older men in their 60s and beyond.

    While other sexual problems are lower in younger men and get worse as we age, such as 50% of men age 50 and 60% of men age 60 and so forth2, and erectile dysfunction has much more to do with low testosterone and hormonal imbalances and poor blood flow… Premature ejaculation does NOT.

    So, to answer your question: No, premature ejaculation is typically not directly related to low testosterone. However, it can be caused by hormonal imbalances and/or abnormal levels of brain chemicals and neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin.

    Definition Of Premature Ejaculation

    However, let’s first define what Premature Ejaculation is:

    Premature ejaculation is defined as persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, upon, or shortly after penetration, or before the person wishes, causing distress and embarrassment to one or both partners, potentially affecting sexual relationships and overall well-being.

    The problem is exacerbated by the fact that guys don’t want to talk about this – with friends, their partner, or even their doctor. So there’s more shame involved.

    This causes more anxiety, worry, and overthinking, and thus, making things worse.


    Men classified with probable premature ejaculation self-reported3

    • poor control over ejaculation (50%)
    • low satisfaction with sexual intercourse (23%)
    • low satisfaction with sexual relationships (30%)
    • low interest in actually having sexual intercourse (28%)
    • difficulty in becoming sexually aroused (due to worry) (34%)
    • and difficulty relaxing during intercourse (31%)

    These findings highlight the negative impact of premature ejaculation on quality of life, sexual performance, and enjoyment of sex.

    And the more you think about it, the worse it can get.

    What’s The Cause

    The truth is, nobody knows the exact cause. I personally think it’s both psychological and physical. Thus, both mental and hormonal.

    For example, if you’re a young guy who is going to have sex for the first time or you’re new to sex, of course, you’re going to orgasm quickly. It’s all new and interesting, it feels great and your hormones are super high and you’re really horny.

    Or if you rarely have sex or masturbate, there’s a build-up and it needs to get out – if you know what I mean. So the minute you finally have sex, you’re going to burst.

    Very different than if you just had sex earlier in the day, the need is not as high and you’ll last longer.

    Worry, anxiety, depression, feeling guilty, and masturbation habits all can cause premature ejaculation.

    premature ejaculation

    Even for example if you have erectile dysfunction and you’re so worried that you’re going to go limp and soft, you may then rush to have an orgasm and now it happened “prematurely” and sooner than you or your partner wanted.

    In this case, it’s both hormonal and emotional.

    And some guys have super sensitive penises… similar to some women who have a really sensitive clitoris and thus, stimulation is greatly heightened and you’ll reach orgasm much faster.

    So What’s The Solution

    Now, in regards to solutions for ending or reducing premature ejaculation, I did an article about this specific topic called “5 Proven Ways To END Premature Ejaculation”.


    Go read it now, implement some of the tactics, and get control and confidence about this part of your life.

    You can easily do it, so don’t worry…

      1. https://www.news-medical.net/news/2004/05/12/1455.aspx
      2. https://www.uwhealth.org/urology/erectile-dysfunction-ed/20537
      3. AUA by Andrew R. McCullough, M.D., Director of Male Sexual Health, Fertility and Microsurgery at the New York University Medical Center
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