🍌 How Big Is The Average Penis Size? (2024 update)

    Today’s topic is “How big is the average penis size”?

    Before I start, a while back I did a video about how to grow your penis. It came with an entirely free course on everything you need to know about having a larger, better-performing penis… at any age.

    Since that video, I’ve gotten hundreds of questions from guys about the penis… most of them in private messages and emails.

    This isn’t necessarily a topic I want to keep talking about, since I think there are much bigger health concerns than penis size.

    However, this blog is about YOU and if so many guys keep asking about “penis topics”, then I’m going to do my best to help you and give you more clarity and hopefully, a lot more confidence at the end of it all.

    Because at the end of the day, I think guys care way more about their penis than women do.

    So, today’s topic is going to be about the average penis size and the newest research for 2024.

    For future videos, I’ll also discuss other “penis” related topics such as:

    • Does size really matter to women, what does the research say?
    • How to accurately measure your penis.
    • What’s more important, length or width?
    • What do women REALLY want? (based on anonymous surveys, so you’ll get the REAL answers, not politically correct ones)
    • And finally, can you really grow your penis, and if yes, by how much (based on REAL world results).

    The “Size” Research

    Okay, so let’s get started…

    Based on a 2020 review of research on penis size, the results showed that the average erect penis is between 5.1 – 5.5 inches. If measuring in centimeters, that is between 13-14 cm.

    Before I dig deeper into the research and discuss other interesting numbers and facts…

    If you think about it, 5 – 5.5 inches isn’t super big.

    Yet, if you ask most guys what the average penis length is, they’ll say is about 6 or 6.5 inches. As you can see, this is way off.

    So, 5 to 5.5 inches is certainly not what you see in porn or what guys typically brag about.

    Or what women will say about some “big” guy she’s been with in the past since they don’t know how to measure anything.

    penis length

    Heck, I remember a couple of women I had dated, telling me their previous boyfriend was like 10 inches. I’d think to myself, “What the hell… that’s huge” and I’d feel self-conscious.

    But later on, I realized that women don’t know how to measure and they overestimate by a lot. So, keep that in mind.

    And that’s one major problem with all of this – most people compare their penis to what they see in porn.

    You need to remember, the guys in porn, especially these days, are the “best of the best”. These guys are naturally larger than the average. With some of them being way larger.

    And I’ve known and consulted porn guys in the past.

    They got into the business and were given the opportunity because of their genetically “well-endowed” larger penis. No other reason.

    It’s like working out. No matter how much you lift weights, how much you eat, or many steroids you take, you’ll never be as big as professional bodybuilders. Not even from 50 years ago like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Remember – You can always improve. You can get bigger.

    But if you don’t have the genetics, you’ll never be “super big”. Not in bodybuilding and have 20-inch arms. Nor with your penis and have 8-10 inches.

    Some Interesting Numbers

    So… let’s continue with the rest of the research and some of the interesting numbers.

    • When it comes to girth, the average is 3.66 inches (9.3 cm) for a flaccid penis and 4.59 inches (11.7 cm) for an erect penis.
    • Around 85 percent of people with penises overestimate what the average penis size actually is.
    • Many people with penises are under the impression that the average package is over 6 inches long — a notion that researchers partially attribute to studies that were based on self-reported measurements… Basically, people either lied or didn’t measure correctly.
    • Based on various reports, 45 percent of people with penises wish they had a larger penis, including those who have average-sized ones.
    • For some perspective, an erect penis of 6.3 inches (16 cm) falls into the 95 percentile, meaning that only 5 out of 100 people would have a penis longer than 6.3 inches.
    • Likewise, an erect penis of 3.94 inches is in the 5 percentile, meaning that only 5 out of 100 would have a penis shorter than 3.94 inches.
    • Around 95 percent of penises do fall into the average range

    penis size

    So to recap, research says the average penis size is a lot smaller than what most people believe it is and usually looks nothing like what you see in porn.

    If you’re between 5 to 5.5 inches, you’re average. You’re like everyone else.

    Increase Penis Size

    Now, if you are smaller and want a larger penis. Or, if you are average and want an “above” average penis size, then I’ve got a video for you to watch, as well as a free email course on everything you need to know and do to have a bigger, fuller, healthier, and better-performing penis.

    1. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2020.1787279
    2. https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bju.13010
    3. https://go.skimresources.com/?id=41977X1601025&isjs=1&jv=15.3.0-stackpath
    4. https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bju.13010
    5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318023027_A_Structured_Review_and_Critical_Analysis_of_Male_Perceptions_of_the_Penis_A_Comparison_between_Heterosexual_Men_and_Men_Who_Have_Sex_with_Men_MSM
    6. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2006-09081-001
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