13 Negative Effects that Lack of Sleep Has on Your Body

    Many people know that poor sleep negatively affects your health. However, the newest research reveals it’s much worse than you think as the below info-graphic reveals…

    Negative Effects that Lack of Sleep Has on Your Body

    Deep, quality sleep is considered to be a vital part of our overall health and wellness. The daily recommended amount of sleep for adults is 7-9 hours. However, the average amount adults receive is only 5-7 hours.

    Experiencing a lack of sleep can cause parts of your brain to slow down and impact your judgment, memory, logic, and creative thinking.

    Your body may then start to go on to demand an increased amount of salty and fatty foods that can impact your long-term physical health.

    A lack of sleep can cause your leptin production to slow and inadvertently increase your appetite.

    To improve your sleep patterns, try to turn off your brain of negative and stressful thoughts at night and avoid stimulants past 2 pm.

    Having a 60-minute window to establish natural rhythms and take a bath or shower 90 minutes before bed can help your body create a new bedtime routine that will end in success.

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