8 Great Health Benefits of Juicing

    Health Benefits of Juicing


    I’ve been juicing on an off for many years. Sometimes it feels like a “hassle” … But every time I stop, I can notice a declined in my health … how I look and feel. So, I know “juicing” has many health benefits that you can feel almost instantly and that’s why I continue to do it daily.

    Make sure you utilize a variety of fruits and vegetables, colors and types. Try not to store your juice – the sooner you drink it, the better it is.

    At times, you can even substitute vegetable powders – such as wheat grass, kelp, and just throw in a teaspoon of natural, organic, freeze-dried vegetable powders in to your mix. It’s fast, easy, convenient and more cost effective. It may not be AS good as the fresh juice, but it’s the second best option for the busy person.

    Try to start you day off with glass of fresh juice consisting of vegetables and fruits and you’ll feel better the entire day!

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